form_bloc 0.31.0 copy "form_bloc: ^0.31.0" to clipboard
form_bloc: ^0.31.0 copied to clipboard

Easy Form State Management using BLoC pattern. Separate the Form State and Business Logic from the User Interface. Async Validation, Progress, Dynamic fields, and more.

0.31.0 #

  • Update sdk constraints to >=2.12.0 <4.0.0

0.30.0 #

  • Now FormBloc is a Cubit!
    • Now you can implement your field blocs starting from FieldBloc abstract class!
    • Now you can implement your own groups of field blocs starting from MultiFieldBloc abstract class!
    • Now you can validate any field bloc even groups!
    • Added to MultiFieldBlocState isValidating and isValid
  • Improve FieldBloc.value management you can check more here
  • Added the ability to scroll to the first wrong field!
  • Fix themes in check box, slider and switch

0.29.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Updated to bloc: ^8.0.0
  • Improved null safety of form bloc ( Thanks to @SimoneBressan )
    • InputFieldBloc will require initial parameter to support more robust null safety
    • Improved null safety of form bloc. Specifically, the fieldBlocs field is no longer null
    • Aligned the properties of the states of form bloc. Default values used in place of null properties
    • Used num.clamp to manage the progress and is checked if the progress is correct 0.0 >= progress <= 1.0
    • Now the name field of a field bloc is not null
    • Now the items of SelectFieldBlocState and MultiSelectFieldBlocState are not nullable.
    • Now the value field in the FieldBlocState must be specified null. It is no longer nullable in TextFieldBlocState, BooleanFieldBlocState, MultiSelectFieldBlocState.
    • Validators are now not forced to accept null values
  • Converted SingleFieldBloc, ListFieldBloc, GroupFieldBloc to Cubit ( Thanks to @SimoneBressan )
  • Added FieldBlocStateBase to have a common state between FieldBloc

0.20.7-alpha #

  • Now the items of SelectFieldBlocState and MultiSelectFieldBlocState are not nullable.
  • Now the value field in the FieldBlocState must be specified null. It is no longer nullable in TextFieldBlocState, BooleanFieldBlocState, MultiSelectFieldBlocState.
  • InputFieldBloc now ask for the initial parameter to support more robust null safety
  • Validators are now not forced to accept null values

0.20.6 #

  • fix InputFieldBloc ExtraData?
  • form bloc isInitial may throw error
  • version sync

0.20.5 #

  • fix InputFieldBloc ExtraData?
  • form bloc isInitial may throw error

0.20.4 #

  • rollback to meta: ^1.3.0

0.20.3 #

  • fix AsyncValidators issue

0.20.2 #

  • Update packages
  • Add bool on form checking field blocs are initial
  • Fixing type error with updated suggestion function

0.20.1 #

  • code improvements

0.20.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Null safety migration
  • Updated to bloc: ^7.0.0.

0.19.1 #

  • Fix add FormBloc of items in ListFieldBloc.

0.19.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Updated to bloc: ^6.0.0.
  • Fix onError of FormBlocObserver.

0.18.0 #

Bad version, you should use >=0.19.0 or <= 0.15.0

0.17.0 #

Bad version, you should use >=0.19.0 or <= 0.15.0

0.16.0 #

Bad version, you should use >=0.19.0 or <= 0.15.0

0.15.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Updated to bloc: ^5.0.1.
  • Change Bloc.addError to Bloc.addFieldError.
  • Change FormBlocDelegate to FormBlocObserver.

0.14.0 #

  • Updated to bloc: ^4.0.0

0.13.1 #

  • Fixed pedantic version.

0.13.0 #

  • Now the value of all field blocs are updated when call updateValue and updateInitialValue when the FormBlocState is FormBlocSubmitting.

0.12.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Removed isRequired parameter in all field blocs.

0.11.1 #

  • Deprecated isRequired parameter in all field blocs, in form_bloc ^0.12.0 will be removed, if you want a field to be required, please use the validator FieldBlocValidators.required.

0.11.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Add support for forms with steps.
    • Use AddFieldBloc({int step, List<FieldBloc> fieldBlocs}).
  • All SingleFieldBlocs now have ExtraData type.
  • Changes FieldBlocList to ListFieldBloc.
  • Add GroupFieldBloc as base class for create typed groups of field blocs.
  • Add toJson method to FormBlocState.
  • Remove FormBlocState.getFieldBlocFromPath.
  • Add valueOf method to FormBlocState.
  • Add fieldBlocOf method to FormBlocState.
  • Remove onReload of FormBloc, now when you call FormBloc.reload, onLoading will be called.
  • Add onValueChanges StreamSubscription to SingleFieldBloc.
  • Add FormBlocUpdatingFields state.
  • Add isRequired parameter to FieldBloc, and the error is FieldBlocValidatorsError.required, so the follow validators are removed:
    • FieldBlocValidators.requiredInputFieldBloc
    • FieldBlocValidators.requiredBooleanFieldBloc
    • FieldBlocValidators.requiredTextFieldBloc
    • FieldBlocValidators.requiredSelectFieldBloc
    • FieldBlocValidators.requiredMultiSelectFieldBloc
  • Add FormBlocUpdatingFields state.
  • Add progress property to FormBlocLoading and FormBlocDeleting.
  • Change Stream<State> onSubmitting() to void onSubmitting().
  • Change Stream<State> onLoading() to void onLoading().
  • Change Stream<State> onDeleting() to void onDeleting().
  • Add methods for emit new states:
    • emitSuccess
    • emitFailure
    • emitSubmitting
    • emitLoading
    • emitLoadFailed
    • emitLoaded
    • emitSubmissionCancelled
    • emitDeleteFailed
    • emitDeleteSuccessful
    • emitUpdatingFields

0.10.4 #

  • Fixed minor bug.

0.10.3 #

  • Fixed hasFailureResponse property of FormBlocLoadFailed, FormBlocFailure and FormBlocDeleteFailed.

0.10.2 #

  • Changes FieldBloc.addError(String error) to FieldBloc.addError(String error, {bool isPermanent = false}).
  • Documentation Updates.

0.10.1 #

  • clear method of FieldBloc now call updateInitialValue instead of updateValue.
  • Fixed clear method of FormBloc.
  • Documentation Updates.

0.10.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Removed fieldBlocs getter of FormBloc. now you must use addFieldBloc method.
  • Renamed onDelete method of FormBloc to onDeleting.
  • Added canSubmitAgain parameter to toSuccess method of FormBlocState.
  • Now FieldBloc can be dynamically added to a FormBloc with addFieldBloc.
  • Now FieldBloc can be dynamically removed from a FormBloc with removeFieldBloc.
  • Added fieldBlocs property to FormBlocState.
  • FieldBloc is now implemented by 3 classes:
    • SingleFieldBloc which is the Interface of:
      • InputFieldBloc.
      • TextFieldBloc.
      • BooleanFieldBloc.
      • SelectFieldBloc.
      • MultiSelectFieldBloc.
    • GroupFieldBloc.
    • FieldBlocList.
  • Documentation Updates.

0.8.0 #

  • Added isEditing property to FormBlocState (#9).
  • Added delete event to FormBloc (#9).
  • Added toDeleteFailed and toDeleteSuccessful methods to FormBlocState (#9).
  • If the initialValue of TextFieldBloc is null is will be an empty String ''.
  • If the initialValue of BooleanFieldBloc is null it will be false.
  • If the initialValue of MultiSelectFieldBloc is null it will be an empty list [].

0.7.0 #

  • Updated to bloc: ^3.0.0

0.6.0 #

  • Updated to bloc: ^1.0.0
    • bloc.state.listen -> bloc.listen
    • bloc.currentState -> bloc.state
    • dispatch -> add
    • dispose -> close
  • Documentation Updates.
  • Validators -> FieldBlocValidators
  • ValidatorsError -> FieldBlocValidatorsErrors
  • Removed isRequired property from FieldBloc and FieldBlocState.

0.5.2 #

  • Documentation Updates.
  • Fixed a bug in isValid property of fieldBlocState.
  • Prevented to update FieldBloc.value if is the same value and is validated.
  • Improved requiredTextFieldBloc validator.

0.5.1 #

  • Fixed a bug in MultiSelectFieldBloc.

0.5.0 #

  • Dependency and Documentation Updates.
  • Added isValidating property to FieldBlocState.
  • Added asyncValidators property to FieldBloc.
  • Added asyncValidatorDebounceTime property to FieldBloc.
  • Added addAsyncValidators method to FieldBloc.
  • Added updateAsyncValidators method to FieldBloc.
  • Added addError method to FieldBloc.
  • Added subscribeToFieldBlocs method to FieldBloc.

0.4.1 #

  • Documentation Updates.

0.4.0 #

  • Documentation Updates.
  • Added Tests.
  • Added autoValidate property to FormBloc.
  • Added InputFieldBloc<Value>.
  • Removed FileFieldBloc, now you can use InputFieldBloc<File>.
  • Added MultiSelectFieldBloc<Value>.
  • Added error property to FieldBlocState.
  • Added canShowError property to FieldBlocState.
  • Added canShowProgress property to FieldBlocState.
  • Added suggestions property to FieldBlocState.
  • Added isRequired property to FieldBlocState.
  • Changes TextFieldBloc<Error> to TextFieldBloc.
  • Added valueToInt property to TextFieldBlocState.
  • Added valueToDouble property to TextFieldBlocState.
  • Added FormBlocDelegate.

0.3.1 #

  • Added isCanceling property to FormBlocSubmitting.

0.3.0 #

  • Dependency and Documentation Updates.
  • Added submissionProgress property to FormBlocState.
  • Added canSubmit property to FormBlocState.
  • Added FormBlocSubmissionFailed state to FormBloc.
  • Added FormBlocSubmissionCancelled state to FormBloc.
  • Added cancelSubmission event to FormBloc.
  • Added updateState event to FormBloc.
  • Added onCancelSubmission method to FormBloc.
  • Added FileFieldBloc.

0.2.0 #

  • Documentation Updates

0.1.0 #

  • Initial Version of the library.
pub points


unverified uploader

Easy Form State Management using BLoC pattern. Separate the Form State and Business Logic from the User Interface. Async Validation, Progress, Dynamic fields, and more.

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MIT (license)


bloc, collection, equatable, meta, rxdart, uuid


Packages that depend on form_bloc