flutter_text_detect_area 0.0.3+1 copy "flutter_text_detect_area: ^0.0.3+1" to clipboard
flutter_text_detect_area: ^0.0.3+1 copied to clipboard

Flutter Text Detect Area's text recognition can recognize/detect text from image's particular area by dragging/moving/panning area selector.

Flutter Text Detect Area #

The easy way to use this package for text recognition by selecting area over the images and live camera in Flutter. Flutter Text Detect Area's text recognition can recognize/detect text from image's particular area by dragging/moving/panning area selector. They can also be used to recognise text once and more by passing value of detect once as true/false and also can set enable/disable image interactions by passing value of enableImageInteractions.

Installing #

  1. Add dependency to pubspec.yaml

    Get the latest version in the 'Installing' tab on pub.dev

      flutter_text_detect_area: <latest-version>
copied to clipboard
  1. Import the package
import 'package:flutter_text_detect_area/flutter_text_detect_area.dart';
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Screenshot #

Pick Image #

You can use Image Picker for pick image from gallery/camera to pass the image for text recognition/detection by it's particular areas

import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';

final pickedFile = await ImagePicker().pickImage(source: ImageSource.gallery);
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Text Recognition/Detection Through Select area over image #

After getting the picked image, we can start doing text recognition by navigate to detection screen.

                            builder: (context) => SelectImageAreaTextDetect(
                                detectOnce: isDetectOnce,
                                enableImageInteractions: enableImageInteractions,
                                imagePath: pickedFile?.path ?? '',
                                onDetectText: (v) {
                                  setState(() {
                                    ///For single detection
                                    if (v is String) {
                                      detectedValue = v;
                                    ///For multiple area's detections
                                    if (v is List) {
                                      int counter = 0;
                                      v.forEach((element) {
                                        detectedValue += "$counter. \t\t $element \n\n";
                                }, onDetectError: (error) {
                                  ///This error will occurred in Android only while user will try to crop image at max zoom level then ml kit will throw max 32 height/width exception
                                  if(error is PlatformException && (error.message?.contains("InputImage width and height should be at least 32!") ?? false)) {
                                    ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(const SnackBar(content: Text("Selected area should be able to crop image with at least 32 width and height.")));
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Output #

If you'll pass detect once as true then the result of Single Text Detection is single dynamic value.

Screenshot #

Output #

If you'll pass detect once as false then the result of Multiple Text Detection Through Particular Image's Area list of dynamic values.

Screenshot #

Example Project #

You can learn more from example project here.

Changelog #

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.

Main Contributors #



verified publishertechvoot.com

Weekly Downloads

2024.09.11 - 2025.03.26

Flutter Text Detect Area's text recognition can recognize/detect text from image's particular area by dragging/moving/panning area selector.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


GPL-3.0 (license)


camera, crop_your_image, flutter, google_mlkit_text_recognition, image, path, path_provider, provider


Packages that depend on flutter_text_detect_area