flutter_qweather 0.0.11
flutter_qweather: ^0.0.11 copied to clipboard
A qweather Flutter plugin. Free use of qweather api. Only Android and IOS platforms are supported.
Flutter 和风天气插件 #
已有功能 #
- ✅ 城市信息查询
- ✅ 热门城市查询
- ✅ POI信息搜索
- ✅ POI范围搜索
- ✅ 实时天气查询
- ✅ 逐天天气查询
- ✅ 逐时天气查询
- ✅ 中国地区未来2小时内每5分钟降水查询
- ✅ 当天生活指数查询
- ✅ 三天生活指数查询
- ✅ 天气灾害预警
- ✅ 灾害预警列表
- ✅ 空气质量实况
- ✅ 空气质量5天预报
- ✅ 历史天气
- ✅ 历史空气质量
- ✅ 日出日落
- ✅ 月升月落月相
- ✅ 太阳高度角
- ✅ 潮汐
- ✅ 潮流
- ✅ 台风列表
- ✅ 台风实况和路径
- ✅ 台风预报
- ❌ 其他功能(好像没有了)
运行 #
注册账号 并 get 秘钥 #
本项目 example 的包名
ios: com.fluttercandies.flutterQweatherExample
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初始化插件 #
QweatherConfig config = QweatherConfig(
publicIdForAndroid: 'HE210xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
keyForAndroid: '8453863xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
publicIdForIos: 'HE210xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
keyForIos: 'aead742xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
biz: false,
debug: true);
await FlutterQweather.instance.init(config);
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location 为 LocationID 或者 经纬度; LocationID 可通过geo 接口查询 或 查看https://github.com/qwd/LocationList
实时天气查询 #
String location = '116.41,39.92';
WeatherNow? _resp = await FlutterQweather.instance.getWeatherNow(location);
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逐天天气查询 #
String location = '116.41,39.92';
WeatherDailyResp? _resp = await FlutterQweather.instance.getWeatherDaily(location, WeatherDailyForecast.WeatherForecast3Day);
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逐时天气查询 #
String location = '116.41,39.92';
WeatherHourlyResp? _resp = await FlutterQweather.instance.getWeatherHourly(location, WeatherHourlyForecast.WeatherForecast24Hour);
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中国地区未来2小时内每5分钟降水查询 #
String location = '116.41,39.92';
WeatherMinutelyResp? _resp = await FlutterQweather.instance.getWeatherMinuteLy(location);
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其他接口....相信你能看懂怎么用 #
贡献代码 #
第一次写跟原生交互的插件,望各位大大多多指点,有写得不好的地方,请直接用 PR 来怼我。