fireflutter 0.3.14 copy "fireflutter: ^0.3.14" to clipboard
fireflutter: ^0.3.14 copied to clipboard

A complete, open source, rapid development package for creating apps like CMS(content management system), social, chat, forum, shopping mall based on Firebase.

0.3.14 #

  • Refactoring the model and services.
  • Refactoring on activity logs.
  • Add new widget - NewUserHorizontalList.

0.3.13 #

  • Refactoring on user, forum.

0.3.12 #

  • Refactoring on user, feed.
  • Refine widgets and services.

0.3.11 #

  • Add. Admin dashboarsd.
  • Update. Push notification.
  • Refactoring. Save more data in realtime database.

0.3.10 #

  • Change. Refactoring file/folder names.

0.3.9 #

  • Add. Document update.

0.3.8 #

  • Add. like, favorite, report.

0.3.7 #

  • Change. All model is now using json_serializable.
  • Add. Push notification.
  • Update. document.

0.3.6 #

  • Update. Feed feature.

0.3.5 #

  • Update. Forum feature.

0.3.4 #

  • Update. Chat service and features.
  • Update. UserDoc.

0.3.3 #

  • Adding forum features.

0.3.2 #

  • Rewriting fireflutter code.
  • Adding user management and chat, forum features.