fireflutter 0.3.14 copy "fireflutter: ^0.3.14" to clipboard
fireflutter: ^0.3.14 copied to clipboard

A complete, open source, rapid development package for creating apps like CMS(content management system), social, chat, forum, shopping mall based on Firebase.

FireFlutter #


If you are looking for a package that help you develop a full featured content management app, then you have found a right one. FireFlutter is a free, open source, complete, rapid development package for creating apps like CMS(content management system), social service, chat, community(forum), shopping mall and much more based on Firebase.

Create an issue if you find a bug or need a help.

Table of Contents #

Overview #

The goal of FireFlutter is to provide reusable the common code blocks encapsulating in the widgets. So, developer can quickly develop what they want using this package.

It provides code for user, forum, chat and push notificiation management that works with like, favorite, follow, post and comment features.

There are some pre-defined fields for the common usage in the database structure. We use json_serializable for providing each model with the fields.

The model has also basic CRUD functionalities.

Changes #

Oct 10 0.3.12 #

  • Refactoring on user, feed.
  • Refine widgets and services.

Sept 28 0.3.11 #

  • Add. Admin dashboarsd.
  • Update. Push notification.
  • Refactoring. Save more data in realtime database.

Sept 10 0.3.10 #

  • Change. Refactoring file/folder names.

Go to for more.

Features #

There are many features and most of them are optional. You may turn on the extra functions by creating an instance.

Main Features #

  • User
  • Chat
  • Forum
  • Push notification
  • Like
  • Favorite(Bookmark)
  • Following
  • Admin

Getting started #

To get started, you can follow the Installation chapter.

The best way is to copy codes from the example project and paste it into your project and update the UI.

Installation #

Follow the instruction below to install FireFlutter into your app

Installing your app with fireflutter #

  • Fork the fireflutter. Go to and fork it.
  • Then, clone it
git clone
  • Create a branch in fireflutter local repository
cd fireflutter
git checkout -b work
  • For Pull Request, update any file, commit, push and request for pulling your code.
echo "Hi" >>
git commit -a -m "updating"
git push --set-upstream origin work
  • Create apps folder and create your app inside apps folder.
cd apps
flutter create your_project
  • Since your project add the fireflutter from your computer folder, you need to add the path of the dependency as ../... Add the firefluter dependency like below.
    path: ../..

Create a Firebase #

If you have your own firebase project, then you can use that. If you don't have one, create one first. Visit Firebase Website.

Firebase Extension #

Resize image #

Deletion of original file - Don't delete
Make resized images public - yes


Cache-Control header for resized images - "max-age=86400" Convert image to preferred types - select webp only.


And choose backfill if you have an existing images.


All other options are on your choice.

To display the thumbnail image, you may use .thumbnail String extension method. CachedNetworkImage(imageUrl: url.thumbnail)

Install cloud functions #

Since the firebase extension does not support on sending push notification with node.js SDK, we just made this function as cloud function. To install,

git clone
cd fireflutter/firebase/functions
npm i
firebase use --add <project>
npm run deploy

Note: if you see error like v2 function name(s) can only contain lower case letters, numbers, hyphens, and not exceed 62 characters in length, then install the latest version of npm, nodejs, firebase.

Note: if you see warnings like functions: Since this is your first time using 2nd gen functions, we need a little bit longer to finish setting everything up. Retry the deployment in a few minutes., then take 5 minutes break and re-deploy.

Security rules #

Firestore security rules #

Security rules for firestore are under /firebase/firestore/firestore.rules.

Copy the security rules of fireflutter and paste it in your firebase project. You may need to copy only the parts of the necessary security rules.

To deploy firestore rules, follow this

 firebase deploy --only firestore:rules

Security rule for admin #

You can add your uid (or other user's uid) to the adminUIDs variable in isAdmin function in the security rule. With this way, you don't have to pay extra money for validating the user is admin or not.

function isAdmin() {
  let adminUIDs = ['root', 'admin', 'CYKk5Q79AmYKQEzw8A95UyEahiz1'];
  return request.auth.uid in adminUIDs || request.auth.token.admin == true;

After setting the admin, you can now customize your security rules to restrict some write access from other user. You can add sub-admin/s from client app without editing the security rules everytime.

For instance, you may write security rules like below and add the uids of sub-admin users. then, add a security rule function to check if the user is sub-admin.

  /settings/sub-admins {
    allow read, write: if isAdmin();
  function isSubAdmin() {

Realtime database security rules #

Enable Realtime Database on firebase and copy the following and paste it into your firebase project.

  "rules": {
    "users": {
      ".read": true,
      "$uid": {
        ".write": "$uid === auth.uid"
    "chats": {
      "noOfNewMessages": {
        "$uid": {
          ".read": true,
          ".write": true
    // User profile likes
    "likes": {
      ".read": true,
      "$uid": {
        "$other_uid": {
          ".write": "$other_uid === auth.uid"
    "posts": {
      ".read": true,
      "$post_id": {
        "seenBy": {
          "$uid": {
            ".write": "$uid == auth.uid"
        // post likes
        "likedBy": {
          "$uid": {
            ".write": "$uid == auth.uid"
    "comments": {
      ".read": true,
      "$comment_id": {
        // comment likes
        "likedBy": {
          "$uid": {
            ".write": "$uid == auth.uid"
    "blocks": {
      "$my_uid": {
        ".read": "$my_uid == auth.uid",
        ".write": "$my_uid == auth.uid"
    "tmp": {
      ".read": true,
      ".write": true

Setup the base code #

FireFlutter needs the app to initialize with the Firebase before using it.

Do the settings to connect to firebase.

flutterfire configure

Add firebase dependencies

flutter pub add firebase_core
flutter pub add firebase_auth

Then, connect your app to firebase.

import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';

void main() async {
  await Firebase.initializeApp();
  runApp(const MyApp());

Then, initialize FireFlutter like below

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {

    /// Initialize FireFlutter
    FireFlutterService.instance.init(context: ...);

FireFlutter has many features and each feature has a singleton service class. You need to initialize each of the singleton on your needs.

FireFlutter needs Global Key since it uses snackbars, dialog, bottom sheet. Use the FireFlutterService.instance.init(context : ...)

Note: You don't have to initialize when you are only doing unit test.

Note: If you meet an error like No MaterialLocalizations found. Xxxx widgets require MaterialLocalizations to be provided by a Localizations widget ancestor., then you may think a widget is not under MaterialApp or no localization provided. In this case, the context from global key will be used. For more details, See

For instance, if you are using go_route package, you can pass the global build context like below.

//  initialize admin
UserService.instance.init(adminUid: 'xxx');

WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
  FireFlutterService.instance.init(context: router.routerDelegate.navigatorKey.currentContext!);

If you are using the flutter's default Navigator for routing, define the global key like below first,

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

GlobalKey<NavigatorState> globalNavigatorKey = GlobalKey();
BuildContext get globalContext => globalNavigatorKey.currentContext as BuildContext;

Then connect it to MaterialApp like below

  navigatorKey: globalNavigatorKey,

Then, store the global context into fireflutter like below

class _MainWidgetState extends State<MainWidget>{

  void initState() {

    WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
        context: globalContext,

By default, feed feature is disabled. To use feed features, add the following in app widget.

FeedService.instance.init(enable: true); Packages #

url_launcher (Optional) #

url_lancher package is added by fireflutter and it is being used to open url. If you wish to let users share links by sms, you need to setup in AndroidManifest.xml and Info.plist. See the url_launch Configuration.

FireFlutter exposes a method launchSMS to open the SMS app. Here is an example of how to send sms. You can build your own code, of course.

final re = await launchSMS(phnumber: '', msg: link);
if (re) {
  toast(title: 'SMS', message: 'Link sent by SMS');
} else {
  toast(title: 'SMS', message: 'Cannot open SMS');

In this chapter, some of the notable packages that are used by FireFlutter are explained.

timeago #

Converts date into a humanized text.

    final fifteenAgo = 15));

    print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo)); // 15 minutes ago
    print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo, locale: 'en_short')); // 15m
    print(timeago.format(fifteenAgo, locale: 'es')); // hace 15 minutos

Visit timeago to read more.

Parsed_ReadMore #

Allows the text to collapsed or expanded and automatically parse the url text to hyperlinks.

Visit parsed_readmore to read more.

Build Sample #

User Profile Page #

Here is an example of how to build simple user profile page. user_profile

Chat App #

Here is an example of how to build simple user profile page. [chat_app]

Forum App #

Here is a simple forum app. [forum_result]

See User Profile for source code and detailed explanation.

Widgets and UI functions #

  • The widgets in fireflutter can be a small piece of UI representation or it can be a full screen dialog.

  • The file names and the class names of the widgets must match.

  • The user widgets are inside widgets/user and the file name is in the form of user.xxxx.dart or user.xxxx.dialog.dart. And it goes the same to chat and forum.

  • There are many service methods that opens a screen. One thing to note is that, all the method that opens a screen uses showGeneralDialog which does not modify the navigation stack. If you want, you may open the screen with navigation(routing) like Navigator.of(context).push...().

See for more widget example. Note: you can use Theme() to style the widget

Usage #

Fireflutter updates in real time no matter what users do. Here are common uses of widgets and builders of each features.

User #

See for details.

Admin #

See for details.

Chat #

With FireFlutter you can easily create a customizable chat room.

Display user's chats using ChatService.instance or if you're using ChatRoomListView you can use a controller ChatRoomListViewController

final controller = ChatRoomListViewController();
  controller: controller,
  singleChatOnly: false, // set true to display single (1:1) chat room
  itemBuilder: (context, room) => ChatRoomListTile(
    room: room,
    onTap: () {
      // ChatService.instance.showChatRoom(context:context);
      // you can use ChatRoomListViewController
      controller.showChatRoom(context: context,room: room);

Go to for more feature builders and detailed explanation

Post #

See for details.

Comment #

See for details.

Share #

See for details.

Test #

See for details.

Functions #

See for details.

Widgets #

See for details.

Push notifications #

See for details.

Error handling #

There are some cases that you don't want to wait for the async work to be finished since it takes time to save data into the database. But you must show user if there is an error.

Then, you may use some code like below. It's waiting for the async to be finished and it displays error to user if there is any.

my.update(type: type).catchError(
  (e) => toast(
    title: 'Error',
    message: e.toString(),

Admin #

To set a user as an admin, put the user's uid into isAdmin() in Firestore Security Rules.

function isAdmin() {
  let adminUIDs = ["xxx", "oaCInoFMGuWUAvhqHE83gIpUxEw2"];
  return request.auth.uid in adminUIDs || request.auth.token.admin == true;

Then, set isAdmin to true in the user document.


  • AdminService
  • Admin Widgets
  • Translation
  • Unit Testing
  • Logic Test

For more information, see

Developers #

You can go to This section gives a tips and detailed instruction on how to use the FireFlutter completely.

Things to improve #

  • The follower's UIDs of A are saved in followers field of the all posts created by A.
    • If A has many followers like 10,000 followers, the size of the post document becomes very big. Saving posts in RTDB won't solve this issue since you cannot get posts that you're following. RTDB does not support for this search.