dom_tools 3.0.0-beta.1
dom_tools: ^3.0.0-beta.1 copied to clipboard
DOM rich elements and tools for CSS, JavaScript, Element Tracking, DOM Manipulation, Storage, Dialog and more.
import 'package:dom_tools/dom_tools.dart';
void main() {
var imgSrc =
// Example of an image that only loads when visualized in viewport:
var tracker = TrackElementInViewport();
var imageElement = HTMLImageElement();
tracker.track(imageElement, onEnterViewport: (elem) {
// ignore: unsafe_html
imageElement.src = imgSrc;
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10), () {
var img = getElementBySRC('img', imgSrc);
if (img == null) {
window.alert('After 10s the image is not visible in viewport yet');
} else {
window.alert('After 10s the image was visible in viewport.');
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