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A collection of useful Dart extensions for web development, enhancing JavaScript interop and simplifying common operations with the `web` package.

web_utils #

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This Dart package provides a set of extensions that enhance the capabilities of various web API types, such as Node, Element, Document, and others, making it easier to work with HTML elements, styles, and other web-related objects in your Dart projects.

js_interop_utils #

This package exports and utilizes the js_interop_utils package for enhanced JavaScript interoperation in Dart. The js_interop_utils package provides utilities for working with JavaScript objects and types, helping to bridge Dart and JavaScript in a seamless manner.

Usage #

import 'package:dom_extensions/dom_extensions.dart';

void main() {
  // Selecting elements
  final div = document.select<Element>('.my-div');
  final allDivs = document.selectAll<Element>('.my-div');

  // Manipulating elements
  div?.text = 'Hello, world!';

  // Working with NodeList
  final nodes = document.querySelectorAll('.node');
  final elements = nodes.toElements();

Features #

The package includes the following extensions:

IterableNodeExtension #

  • whereElement(): Filters the Iterable<Node> and returns only Element nodes.
  • toElements(): Converts the Iterable<Node> to a List<Element>.
  • whereHTMLElement(): Filters the Iterable<Node> and returns only HTMLElement nodes.
  • toHTMLElements(): Converts the Iterable<Node> to a List<HTMLElement>.

DocumentExtension #

  • select<T extends Element>(String selectors): Selects the first element matching the given selector and casts it to type T.
  • selectAll<T extends Element>(String selectors): Selects all elements matching the selector and casts them to type T.

ElementExtension #

  • text: Gets or sets the text content of an element.
  • asHTMLElement: Casts an element to HTMLElement if applicable.
  • insertChild(int index, Element node): Inserts an element at a specified index.
  • insertNode(int index, Node node): Inserts a node at a specified index.
  • appendAll(Iterable<JSAny> nodes): Appends multiple nodes to the element.
  • appendNodes(Iterable<Node> nodes): Appends multiple nodes to the element.

HTMLOptionsCollectionExtension #

  • toIterable(): Converts the collection to an Iterable<HTMLOptionElement>.
  • toList(): Converts the collection to a List<HTMLOptionElement>.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the collection is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the collection is not empty.

TouchListExtension #

  • toIterable(): Converts the TouchList to an Iterable<Touch>.
  • toList(): Converts the TouchList to a List<Touch>.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the list is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the list is not empty.

FileListExtension #

  • toIterable(): Converts the FileList to an Iterable<File>.
  • toList(): Converts the FileList to a List<File>.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the list is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the list is not empty.

CSSStyleDeclarationExtension #

  • isEmpty: Checks if the style declaration is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the style declaration is not empty.

CSSRuleListExtension #

  • toIterable(): Converts the CSSRuleList to an Iterable<CSSRule>.
  • toList(): Converts the CSSRuleList to a List<CSSRule>.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the rule list is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the rule list is not empty.

CanvasRenderingContext2DExtension #

  • setFillColorRgb(int r, int g, int b, [num a = 1]): Sets the fill color for the context using RGB values.
  • setStrokeColorRgb(int r, int g, int b, [num a = 1]): Sets the stroke color for the context using RGB values.

DOMTokenListExtension #

  • toIterable(): Converts the DOMTokenList to an Iterable<String>.
  • toList(): Converts the DOMTokenList to a List<String>.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the token list is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the token list is not empty.
  • addAndDetectChange(String clazz): Adds a class and detects whether it caused a change.
  • removeAndDetectChange(String clazz): Removes a class and detects whether it caused a change.
  • addAll(Iterable<String> classes): Adds multiple classes.
  • removeAll(Iterable<String> classes): Removes multiple classes.

NamedNodeMapExtension #

  • toIterable(): Converts the NamedNodeMap to an Iterable<Attr>.
  • toList(): Converts the NamedNodeMap to a List<Attr>.
  • whereType<T>(): Filters the map for attributes of a specific type.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the map is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the map is not empty.

HTMLCollectionExtension #

  • toIterable(): Converts the HTMLCollection to an Iterable<Element>.
  • toList(): Converts the HTMLCollection to a List<Element>.
  • whereType<T>(): Filters the collection for elements of a specific type.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the collection is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the collection is not empty.
  • indexOf(Element element): Finds the index of a specific element in the collection.

NodeListExtension #

  • toIterable(): Converts the NodeList to an Iterable<Node>.
  • toList(): Converts the NodeList to a List<Node>.
  • whereType<T extends Node>(): Filters the list for nodes of a specific type.
  • whereElement(): Filters the list for Element nodes.
  • toElements(): Converts the list to a List<Element>.
  • whereHTMLElement(): Filters the list for HTMLElement nodes.
  • toHTMLElements(): Converts the list to a List<HTMLElement>.
  • isEmpty: Checks if the node list is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the node list is not empty.
  • indexOf(Node node): Finds the index of a specific node in the list.

StorageExtension #

  • isEmpty: Checks if the storage is empty.
  • isNotEmpty: Checks if the storage is not empty.
  • keys: Retrieves the keys of the storage.
  • remove(String key): Removes an item from the storage.

IDBFactoryExtension #

  • ** openDatabase(String name, {int? version, void Function(Event event)? onUpgradeNeeded, void Function(Event event)? onBlocked}) **: Opens a database with the given name and version, with optional upgrade and blocked handlers.

IDBRequestExtension #

  • process<T extends JSAny, R>(({bool next, R? result}) Function(T? result) processor): Processes an IDBRequest result with a custom processor function.

TextMetricsExtension #

  • tryActualBoundingBoxAscent: Tries to get the actual bounding box ascent.
  • tryActualBoundingBoxDescent: Tries to get the actual bounding box descent.
  • tryFontBoundingBoxAscent: Tries to get the font bounding box ascent.
  • tryFontBoundingBoxDescent: Tries to get the font bounding box descent.
  • tryEmHeightAscent: Tries to get the em height ascent.

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

Author #

Graciliano M. Passos: gmpassos@GitHub.

Don't be shy, show some love, and become our GitHub Sponsor. Your support means the world to us, and it keeps the code caffeinated! ☕✨

Thanks a million! 🚀😄

License #

Apache License - Version 2.0



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A collection of useful Dart extensions for web development, enhancing JavaScript interop and simplifying common operations with the `web` package.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


js_interop_utils, web


Packages that depend on web_utils