digit_scanner 1.0.4
digit_scanner: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard
A Scanner package used for scanning QR Codes and GS1 Barcodes.
digit_scanner #
A Scanner package used for scanning QR Codes and GS1 Barcodes.
Getting Started #
To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
digit_scanner: 0.0.0-dev.1
Initialize the DigitScannerBloc provider in your application
create: (_) {
return DigitScannerBloc(
const DigitScannerState(),
To Clear the scanner state
const DigitScannerEvent.handleScanner(),
Navigating to DigitScanner Page
quantity: 1, // Max no. of codes to be scanned
isGS1code: false, // Set Flag to true for scanning GS1 barcode
singleValue: true, // Set Flag to false for scanning mutiple codes
Wrap the DigitScannerListener or DigitScannerBuilder in your widget tree wherever you need the Scanned codes.
BlocListener<DigitScannerBloc, DigitScannerState>(
listener: (context, scannerState) {
if (scannerState.qrCodes.isNotEmpty) {
child: BlocBuilder<DigitScannerBloc, DigitScannerState>(
builder: (context, scannerState) {
return Text(scannerState.qrCodes.last); ///Get the scanned codes after scanning from the scanner State
else {
return Container();}