dart_eval 0.7.10 dart_eval: ^0.7.10 copied to clipboard
A flexible Dart bytecode compiler and interpreter written in Dart, enabling dynamic execution and code push for AOT Dart apps.
import 'package:dart_eval/dart_eval.dart';
import 'package:dart_eval/dart_eval_bridge.dart';
import 'package:dart_eval/dart_eval_extensions.dart';
import 'package:dart_eval/stdlib/core.dart';
// ** Sample class definitions **
class TimestampedTime {
const TimestampedTime(this.utcTime, {this.timezoneOffset = 0});
final int utcTime;
final int timezoneOffset;
abstract class WorldTimeTracker {
TimestampedTime getTimeFor(String country);
// ** Main code **
void main(List<String> args) {
final source = '''
import 'package:example/bridge.dart';
class MyWorldTimeTracker extends WorldTimeTracker {
static TimestampedTime _currentTimeWithOffset(int offset) {
return TimestampedTime(DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch,
timezoneOffset: offset);
TimestampedTime getTimeFor(String country) {
final countries = <String, TimestampedTime> {
'USA': _currentTimeWithOffset(4),
'UK': _currentTimeWithOffset(6),
return countries[country];
MyWorldTimeTracker fn(String country) {
final timeTracker = MyWorldTimeTracker();
final myTime = timeTracker.getTimeFor(country);
print(country + ' timezone offset: ' + myTime.timezoneOffset.toString() + ' (from Eval!)');
return timeTracker;
// Create a compiler and define the classes' bridge declarations so it knows their structure
final compiler = Compiler();
[$TimestampedTime.$declaration, $WorldTimeTracker$bridge.$declaration]);
// Compile the source code into a Program containing metadata and bytecode.
// In a real app, you could also compile the Eval code separately and output
// it to a file using program.write().
final program = compiler.compile({
'example': {'main.dart': source}
// Create a runtime from the compiled program, and register bridge functions
// for all static methods and constructors. Default constructors use
// "ClassName." syntax.
final runtime = Runtime.ofProgram(program)
..registerBridgeFunc('package:example/bridge.dart', 'TimestampedTime.',
..registerBridgeFunc('package:example/bridge.dart', 'WorldTimeTracker.',
isBridge: true);
// Call the function and cast the result to the desired type
final timeTracker = runtime.executeLib(
// Wrap args in $Value wrappers except int, double, bool, and List
) as WorldTimeTracker;
// We can now utilize the returned bridge class
print('UK timezone offset: ${timeTracker.getTimeFor('UK').timezoneOffset}'
' (from outside Eval!)');
/// Create a wrapper for [TimestampedTime]. A wrapper is a performant interop
/// solution when you *don't* need the ability to override the class within the
/// dart_eval VM.
class $TimestampedTime implements TimestampedTime, $Instance {
/// Create a wrap constructor, which wraps an underlying instance
/// and inherits from [$Object].
$TimestampedTime.wrap(this.$value) : _superclass = $Object($value);
/// Define this class's compile-time type reference.
static final $type = BridgeTypeSpec(
/// Define the compile-time class declaration and map out all the fields and
/// methods for the compiler.
static final $declaration = BridgeClassDef(
constructors: {
// Define the default constructor with an empty string
'': BridgeFunctionDef(returns: $type.annotate, params: [
// Parameters using built-in types can use [CoreTypes]
], namedParams: [
fields: {
'utcTime': BridgeFieldDef(CoreTypes.int.ref.annotate),
'timezoneOffset': BridgeFieldDef(CoreTypes.int.ref.annotate)
wrap: true,
/// Define static [EvalCallableFunc] functions for all static methods and
/// constructors. This is for the default constructor and is what the runtime
/// will use to create an instance of this class.
static $Value? $new(Runtime runtime, $Value? target, List<$Value?> args) {
return $TimestampedTime.wrap(TimestampedTime(
timezoneOffset: args[1]?.$value ?? 0,
/// The underlying Dart instance that this wrapper wraps
final TimestampedTime $value;
/// In most cases [$reified] should just return [$value], but collection
/// types like Lists should use it to recursively reify their contents.
TimestampedTime get $reified => $value;
/// Although not required, creating a superclass field allows you to inherit
/// basic properties from [$Object], such as == and hashCode.
final $Instance _superclass;
/// [$getProperty] is how dart_eval accesses a wrapper's properties and methods,
/// so map them out here. In the default case, fall back to our [_superclass]
/// implementation. For methods, you would return a [$Function] with a closure.
$Value? $getProperty(Runtime runtime, String identifier) {
switch (identifier) {
case 'utcTime':
return $int($value.utcTime);
case 'timezoneOffset':
return $int($value.timezoneOffset);
return _superclass.$getProperty(runtime, identifier);
/// Lookup the runtime type ID
int $getRuntimeType(Runtime runtime) => runtime.lookupType($type.spec!);
/// Map out non-final fields with [$setProperty]. We don't have any here,
/// so just fallback to the Object implementation.
void $setProperty(Runtime runtime, String identifier, $Value value) {
return _superclass.$setProperty(runtime, identifier, value);
/// Finally, our standard [TimestampedTime] implementations! Redirect to the
/// wrapped [$value]'s implementation for all properties and methods.
int get timezoneOffset => $value.timezoneOffset;
int get utcTime => $value.utcTime;
/// Unlike [TimestampedTime], we need to subclass [WorldTimeTracker]. For that,
/// we can use a bridge class!
/// Bridge classes are flexible and in some ways simpler than wrappers, but
/// they have a lot of overhead. Avoid them if possible in performance-sensitive
/// situations.
/// Because [WorldTimeTracker] is abstract, we can implement it here.
/// If it were a concrete class you would instead extend it.
class $WorldTimeTracker$bridge
with $Bridge<WorldTimeTracker>
implements WorldTimeTracker {
static final $type = BridgeTypeSpec(
/// Again, we map out all the fields and methods for the compiler.
static final $declaration = BridgeClassDef(
BridgeClassType($type, isAbstract: true),
constructors: {
// Even though this class is abstract, we currently need to define
// the default constructor anyway.
'': BridgeFunctionDef(returns: $type.annotate).asConstructor
methods: {
'getTimeFor': BridgeFunctionDef(
returns: $TimestampedTime.$type.annotate,
params: ['country'.param(CoreTypes.string.ref.annotate)],
bridge: true,
/// Define static [EvalCallableFunc] functions for all static methods and
/// constructors. This is for the default constructor and is what the runtime
/// will use to create an instance of this class.
static $Value? $new(Runtime runtime, $Value? target, List<$Value?> args) {
return $WorldTimeTracker$bridge();
/// [$bridgeGet] works differently than [$getProperty] - it's only called
/// if the Eval subclass hasn't provided an override implementation.
$Value? $bridgeGet(String identifier) {
// [WorldTimeTracker] is abstract, so if we haven't overridden all of its
// methods that's an error.
// If it were concrete, this implementation would look like [$getProperty]
// except you'd access fields and invoke methods on 'super'.
throw UnimplementedError(
'Cannot get property "$identifier" on abstract class WorldTimeTracker',
void $bridgeSet(
String identifier,
$Value value,
) {
/// Same idea here.
throw UnimplementedError(
'Cannot set property "$identifier" on abstract class WorldTimeTracker',
/// In a bridge class, override all fields and methods with [$_invoke],
/// [$_get], and [$_set]. This allows us to override the methods by extending
/// the class in dart_eval.
TimestampedTime getTimeFor(String country) => $_invoke(
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