carp_mobile_sensing 0.4.0 copy "carp_mobile_sensing: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
carp_mobile_sensing: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard


Mobile Sensing Framework for Flutter. A software framework for collecting sensor data from the phone and attached wearable devices via probes. Can be extended.

CARP Mobile Sensing Framework in Flutter #

This library contains the software architecture for the CARP sensing framework implemented in Flutter. Supports cross-platform (iOS and Android) sensing.

pub package

For Flutter plugins for other CARP products, see CARP Mobile Sensing in Flutter.

Usage #

To use this plugin, add carp_mobile_sensing as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

This plugin relies on json_serialization: ^1.0.0 which again rely on Dart 2.1.

Note that there are two issues with Android to consider:

  • Issue #1 - make sure your app's android build.gradle has a minSdkVersion 19 (instead of 16 ).
  • Issue #2 - update the he file build.gradle in flutter_blue and change the JDK parameters to 26 (instead of 27).

Android Integration #

Add the following to your app's manifest.xml file located in android/app/src/main:

<manifest xmlns:android=""

   <!-- The following permissions are used for CARP Mobile Sensing -->
   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions"/>


iOS Integration #

Add this permission in the Info.plist file located in ios/Runner:


Documentation #

The Dart API doc describes the different libraries and classes.

The wiki contains detailed documentation on the CARP Mobile Sensing Framework, including the domain model, its built-in probes, and how to extend it.

Below is a few simple / minimum examples (a better description is available on the wiki).

Examples #

In the following example, a study is created "by hand", i.e. you specify each task and measure in the study.

// Import package
import 'package:carp_mobile_sensing/carp_mobile_sensing.dart';

some_method() async {
  // Create a study using a File Backend
  Study study = Study("1234", "bardram", name: "bardram study");
  study.dataEndPoint = FileDataEndPoint()
    ..bufferSize = 500 * 1000 = true
    ..encrypt = false;

  // add sensor collection from accelerometer and gyroscope
  // careful - these sensors generate a lot of data!
  study.addTask(Task('Sensor Task')
    ..addMeasure(PeriodicMeasure(MeasureType(NameSpace.CARP, DataType.ACCELEROMETER),
        frequency: 10 * 1000, // sample every 10 secs)
        duration: 100 // for 100 ms
    ..addMeasure(PeriodicMeasure(MeasureType(NameSpace.CARP, DataType.GYROSCOPE),
        frequency: 20 * 1000, // sample every 20 secs
        duration: 100 // for 100 ms

  study.addTask(Task('Task collecting a list of all installed apps')
    ..addMeasure(Measure(MeasureType(NameSpace.CARP, DataType.APPS))));

  // Create a Study Controller that can manage this study, initialize it, and start it.
  StudyController controller = StudyController(study);
  await controller.initialize();

  // listening on all data events from the study;

  // listen on only CARP events => datum.format.namepace == NameSpace.CARP).forEach(print);

  // listening on a specific probe

However, you can se up a study quite simple, by using sampling schemas. Below is an example of this:

 StudyController controller = StudyController(
    samplingSchema: SamplingSchema.common(),

  await controller.initialize();

  // listening on all data events from the study;

There is a very simple example app app which shows how a study can be created with different tasks and measures. This app just prints the sensing data to a console screen on the phone.

However, the CARP Mobile Sensing App provides a MUCH better example of how to use the package in a Flutter BLoC architecture, including good documentation of how to do this.

Features and bugs #

Please read about existing issues and file new feature requests and bug reports at the issue tracker.

License #

This software is copyright (c) 2018 Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This software is made available 'as-is' in a MIT license.

pub points



Mobile Sensing Framework for Flutter. A software framework for collecting sensor data from the phone and attached wearable devices via probes. Can be extended.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


app_usage, archive, async, battery, connectivity, device_apps, device_info, flutter, flutter_blue, json_annotation, light, path_provider, pedometer, screen_state, sensors, simple_permissions, stats, system_info, uuid


Packages that depend on carp_mobile_sensing