Results918 packages
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Map Launcher is a flutter plugin to find available maps installed on a device and launch them with a marker or show directions.
Maps toolkit - geo-measurements utils - area of polygon, distance between point, heading and offset between points (port of SphericalUtil, PolyUtil from `android-maps-utils`).
A Dart implementation of Leaflet.makercluster for Flutter apps. Provides beautiful animated marker clustering functionality for flutter_map.
A flutter map plugin for displaying device current location.
Geographical Map widget for flutter supporting different projections including EPSG4326/Mercator/WGS1984.
This package allows programmers to annotate Dart objects in order to serialize / deserialize them from / to JSON.
Plugin for 'flutter_map' providing advanced caching functionality, with ability to download map regions for offline use.#flutter-map#map#fmtc
Animation utilities for markers and controls of the flutter_map package.#flutter-map#map#animation

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