Results240 packages
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Render After Effects animations natively on Flutter. This package is a pure Dart implementation of a Lottie player.
A highly customizable Flutter chart library that supports Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, and Radar Chart.#chart#charts#visualization#graph#diagram
Fancy pre-built animations that can easily be integrated into any Flutter application.#animation#ui
A pdf producer for Dart. It can create pdf files for both web or flutter.#pdf#printer#print#printing#report
Blast colorful confetti all over the screen. Celebrate in app achievements with style. Control the velocity, angle, gravity and amount of confetti.
Evolved Overlay/OverlayEntry - declarative not imperative, intuitive-context, and easy-alignment
A library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions, supporting real numbers, vectors, and basic interval arithmetic.
Overcome limitations of built-in layouts, advanced flex, custom multi-child layouts, slivers, and more!
SVG - Robust rendering of Scalable Vector Graphic images, supporting a well-defined profile of SVG and a fast-loading binary storage format.
An instagram style pinch and zoom widget that can be moved globally.

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