Results63 packages
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Implementations of SHA, MD5, and HMAC cryptographic functions.#crypto
A platform-independent package for parsing and serializing HTTP formats.
A server and browser based MQTT client for Dart supporting normal, secure sockets and websockets.#iot#chat#mqtt#data
Cross-platform 'dart:io' that adds browser support for HttpClient and some other "dart:io" APIs.
Utilities for converting between data representations. Provides a number of Sink, Codec, Decoder, and Encoder types.
A server and browser based MQTT5 client for Dart supporting normal, secure sockets and websockets.#iot#chat#mqtt#data
A full featured library for writing and running Dart tests across platforms.
Dart library to connect to Ethereum clients. Send transactions and interact with smart contracts!
Memory-efficient, streaming implementation of the tar file format
A CBOR library for Dart. An RFC8949 compliant encoding/decoding CBOR implementation.

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