sdl2/generated/lib_sdl_mutex library


sdlCondBroadcast(Pointer<SdlCond> cond) int
Restart all threads that are waiting on the condition variable.
sdlCondSignal(Pointer<SdlCond> cond) int
Restart one of the threads that are waiting on the condition variable.
sdlCondWait(Pointer<SdlCond> cond, Pointer<SdlMutex> mutex) int
Wait until a condition variable is signaled.
sdlCondWaitTimeout(Pointer<SdlCond> cond, Pointer<SdlMutex> mutex, int ms) int
Wait until a condition variable is signaled or a certain time has passed.
sdlCreateCond() Pointer<SdlCond>
Create a condition variable.
sdlCreateMutex() Pointer<SdlMutex>
Create a new mutex.
sdlCreateSemaphore(int initialValue) Pointer<SdlSem>
Create a semaphore.
sdlDestroyCond(Pointer<SdlCond> cond) → void
Destroy a condition variable.
sdlDestroyMutex(Pointer<SdlMutex> mutex) → void
Destroy a mutex created with SDL_CreateMutex().
sdlDestroySemaphore(Pointer<SdlSem> sem) → void
Destroy a semaphore.
sdlLockMutex(Pointer<NativeType> arg0) int
Lock the mutex.
sdlSemPost(Pointer<SdlSem> sem) int
Atomically increment a semaphore's value and wake waiting threads.
sdlSemTryWait(Pointer<SdlSem> sem) int
See if a semaphore has a positive value and decrement it if it does.
sdlSemValue(Pointer<SdlSem> sem) int
Get the current value of a semaphore.
sdlSemWait(Pointer<SdlSem> sem) int
Wait until a semaphore has a positive value and then decrements it.
sdlSemWaitTimeout(Pointer<SdlSem> sem, int timeout) int
Wait until a semaphore has a positive value and then decrements it.
sdlTryLockMutex(Pointer<NativeType> arg0, Pointer<NativeType> arg1) int
Try to lock a mutex without blocking.
sdlUnlockMutex(Pointer<NativeType> arg0) int
Unlock the mutex.