sdl2/generated/lib_sdl_rwops library


sdlAllocRw() Pointer<SdlRWops>
Use this function to allocate an empty, unpopulated SDL_RWops structure.
sdlFreeRw(Pointer<SdlRWops> area) → void
Use this function to free an SDL_RWops structure allocated by SDL_AllocRW().
sdlLoadFile(String? file, Pointer<Uint32> datasize) Pointer<NativeType>
Load all the data from a file path.
sdlLoadFileRw(Pointer<SdlRWops> src, Pointer<Uint32> datasize, int freesrc) Pointer<NativeType>
Load all the data from an SDL data stream.
sdlReadBe16(Pointer<SdlRWops> src) int
Use this function to read 16 bits of big-endian data from an SDL_RWops and return in native format.
sdlReadBe32(Pointer<SdlRWops> src) int
Use this function to read 32 bits of big-endian data from an SDL_RWops and return in native format.
sdlReadBe64(Pointer<SdlRWops> src) int
Use this function to read 64 bits of big-endian data from an SDL_RWops and return in native format.
sdlReadLe16(Pointer<SdlRWops> src) int
Use this function to read 16 bits of little-endian data from an SDL_RWops and return in native format.
sdlReadLe32(Pointer<SdlRWops> src) int
Use this function to read 32 bits of little-endian data from an SDL_RWops and return in native format.
sdlReadLe64(Pointer<SdlRWops> src) int
Use this function to read 64 bits of little-endian data from an SDL_RWops and return in native format.
sdlReadU8(Pointer<SdlRWops> src) int
Use this function to read a byte from an SDL_RWops.
sdlRWclose(Pointer<SdlRWops> context) int
Close and free an allocated SDL_RWops structure.
sdlRwFromConstMem(Pointer<NativeType> mem, int size) Pointer<SdlRWops>
Use this function to prepare a read-only memory buffer for use with RWops.
sdlRwFromFile(String? file, String? mode) Pointer<SdlRWops>
Use this function to create a new SDL_RWops structure for reading from and/or writing to a named file.
sdlRwFromFp(Pointer<IntPtr> fp, bool autoclose) Pointer<SdlRWops>
extern DECLSPEC SDL_RWops *SDLCALL SDL_RWFromFP(FILE * fp, SDL_bool autoclose)
sdlRwFromMem(Pointer<NativeType> mem, int size) Pointer<SdlRWops>
Use this function to prepare a read-write memory buffer for use with SDL_RWops.
sdlRWread(Pointer<SdlRWops> context, Pointer<NativeType> ptr, int size, int maxnum) int
Read from a data source.
sdlRWseek(Pointer<SdlRWops> context, int offset, int whence) int
Seek within an SDL_RWops data stream.
sdlRWsize(Pointer<SdlRWops> context) int
Use this function to get the size of the data stream in an SDL_RWops.
sdlRWtell(Pointer<SdlRWops> context) int
Determine the current read/write offset in an SDL_RWops data stream.
sdlRWwrite(Pointer<SdlRWops> context, Pointer<NativeType> ptr, int size, int num) int
Write to an SDL_RWops data stream.
sdlWriteBe16(Pointer<SdlRWops> dst, int value) int
Use this function to write 16 bits in native format to a SDL_RWops as big-endian data.
sdlWriteBe32(Pointer<SdlRWops> dst, int value) int
Use this function to write 32 bits in native format to a SDL_RWops as big-endian data.
sdlWriteBe64(Pointer<SdlRWops> dst, int value) int
Use this function to write 64 bits in native format to a SDL_RWops as big-endian data.
sdlWriteLe16(Pointer<SdlRWops> dst, int value) int
Use this function to write 16 bits in native format to a SDL_RWops as little-endian data.
sdlWriteLe32(Pointer<SdlRWops> dst, int value) int
Use this function to write 32 bits in native format to a SDL_RWops as little-endian data.
sdlWriteLe64(Pointer<SdlRWops> dst, int value) int
Use this function to write 64 bits in native format to a SDL_RWops as little-endian data.
sdlWriteU8(Pointer<SdlRWops> dst, int value) int
Use this function to write a byte to an SDL_RWops.