sdl2/generated/lib_sdl_system library


sdlAndroidBackButton() → void
Trigger the Android system back button behavior.
sdlAndroidGetActivity() Pointer<NativeType>
Retrieve the Java instance of the Android activity class.
sdlAndroidGetExternalStoragePath() String?
Get the path used for external storage for this application.
sdlAndroidGetExternalStorageState() int
Get the current state of external storage.
sdlAndroidGetInternalStoragePath() String?
Get the path used for internal storage for this application.
sdlAndroidGetJniEnv() Pointer<NativeType>
Get the Android Java Native Interface Environment of the current thread.
sdlAndroidRequestPermission(String? permission) bool
Request permissions at runtime.
sdlAndroidSendMessage(int command, int param) int
Send a user command to SDLActivity.
sdlAndroidShowToast(String? message, int duration, int gravity, int xoffset, int yoffset) int
Shows an Android toast notification.
sdlDirect3D9GetAdapterIndex(int displayIndex) int
Get the D3D9 adapter index that matches the specified display index.
sdlDxgiGetOutputInfo(int displayIndex, Pointer<Int32> adapterIndex, Pointer<Int32> outputIndex) bool
Get the DXGI Adapter and Output indices for the specified display index.
sdlGdkGetDefaultUser(Pointer<XUserHandle> outUserHandle) int
Gets a reference to the default user handle for GDK.
sdlGdkGetTaskQueue(Pointer<XTaskQueueHandle> outTaskQueue) int
Gets a reference to the global async task queue handle for GDK, initializing if needed.
sdlGetAndroidSdkVersion() int
Query Android API level of the current device.
sdlIPhoneSetAnimationCallback(Pointer<SdlWindow> window, int interval, Pointer<NativeType> callback, Pointer<NativeType> callbackParam) int
Use this function to set the animation callback on Apple iOS.
sdlIPhoneSetEventPump(bool enabled) → void
Use this function to enable or disable the SDL event pump on Apple iOS.
sdlIsAndroidTv() bool
Query if the application is running on Android TV.
sdlIsChromebook() bool
Query if the application is running on a Chromebook.
sdlIsDeXMode() bool
Query if the application is running on a Samsung DeX docking station.
sdlIsTablet() bool
Query if the current device is a tablet.
sdlLinuxSetThreadPriority(int threadId, int priority) int
Sets the UNIX nice value for a thread.
sdlLinuxSetThreadPriorityAndPolicy(int threadId, int sdlPriority, int schedPolicy) int
Sets the priority (not nice level) and scheduling policy for a thread.
sdlOnApplicationDidBecomeActive() → void
extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_OnApplicationDidBecomeActive(void)
sdlOnApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientation() → void
extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_OnApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientation(void)
sdlOnApplicationDidEnterBackground() → void
extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_OnApplicationDidEnterBackground(void)
sdlOnApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning() → void
extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_OnApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning(void)
sdlOnApplicationWillEnterForeground() → void
extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_OnApplicationWillEnterForeground(void)
sdlOnApplicationWillResignActive() → void
extern DECLSPEC void SDLCALL SDL_OnApplicationWillResignActive(void)
sdlOnApplicationWillTerminate() → void
Functions used by iOS application delegates to notify SDL about state changes
sdlRenderGetD3D11Device(Pointer<SdlRenderer> renderer) Pointer<ID3D11Device>
Get the D3D11 device associated with a renderer.
sdlRenderGetD3D12Device(Pointer<SdlRenderer> renderer) Pointer<ID3D12Device>
Get the D3D12 device associated with a renderer.
sdlRenderGetD3D9Device(Pointer<SdlRenderer> renderer) Pointer<IDirect3DDevice9>
Get the D3D9 device associated with a renderer.
sdlSetWindowsMessageHook(Pointer<NativeFunction<SdlWindowsMessageHook>> callback, Pointer<NativeType> userdata) → void
Set a callback for every Windows message, run before TranslateMessage().
sdlWinRtGetDeviceFamily() int
Detects the device family of WinRT platform at runtime.
sdlWinRtGetFsPathUnicode(int pathType) Pointer<Int16>
Retrieve a WinRT defined path on the local file system.
sdlWinRtGetFsPathUtf8(int pathType) String?
Retrieve a WinRT defined path on the local file system.