bindings/webaudio library


The interface represents a node able to provide real-time frequency and time-domain analysis information. It is an AudioNode that passes the audio stream unchanged from the input to the output, but allows you to take the generated data, process it, and create audio visualizations. An has exactly one input and one output. The node works even if the output is not connected.
The interface represents a short audio asset residing in memory, created from an audio file using the AudioContext.decodeAudioData() method, or from raw data using AudioContext.createBuffer(). Once put into an AudioBuffer, the audio can then be played by being passed into an AudioBufferSourceNode. Objects of these types are designed to hold small audio snippets, typically less than 45 s. For longer sounds, objects implementing the MediaElementAudioSourceNode are more suitable. The buffer contains data in the following format: non-interleaved IEEE754 32-bit linear PCM with a nominal range between -1 and +1, that is, a 32-bit floating point buffer, with each sample between -1.0 and 1.0. If the has multiple channels, they are stored in separate buffers.
The interface is an AudioScheduledSourceNode which represents an audio source consisting of in-memory audio data, stored in an AudioBuffer. This interface is especially useful for playing back audio which has particularly stringent timing accuracy requirements, such as for sounds that must match a specific rhythm and can be kept in memory rather than being played from disk or the network. To play sounds which require accurate timing but must be streamed from the network or played from disk, use a AudioWorkletNode to implement its playback.
The interface represents an audio-processing graph built from audio modules linked together, each represented by an AudioNode. An audio context controls both the creation of the nodes it contains and the execution of the audio processing, or decoding. You need to create an before you do anything else, as everything happens inside a context. It's recommended to create one AudioContext and reuse it instead of initializing a new one each time, and it's OK to use a single for several different audio sources and pipeline concurrently.
The interface represents the end destination of an audio graph in a given context — usually the speakers of your device. It can also be the node that will "record" the audio data when used with an OfflineAudioContext. has no output (as it is the output, no more AudioNode can be linked after it in the audio graph) and one input. The number of channels in the input must be between 0 and the maxChannelCount value or an exception is raised. The of a given AudioContext can be retrieved using the AudioContext.destination property.
The interface represents the position and orientation of the unique person listening to the audio scene, and is used in audio spatialization. All PannerNodes spatialize in relation to the stored in the BaseAudioContext.listener attribute. It is important to note that there is only one listener per context and that it isn't an AudioNode.
The interface is a generic interface for representing an audio processing module. Examples include:
The Web Audio API's interface represents an audio-related parameter, usually a parameter of an AudioNode (such as GainNode.gain). An can be set to a specific value or a change in value, and can be scheduled to happen at a specific time and following a specific pattern. Each has a list of events, initially empty, that define when and how values change. When this list is not empty, changes using the AudioParam.value attributes are ignored. This list of events allows us to schedule changes that have to happen at very precise times, using arbitrary timeline-based automation curves. The time used is the one defined in AudioContext.currentTime.
The dictionary of the Web Audio API specifies properties for AudioParam objects. It is used to create custom AudioParams on an AudioWorkletNode. If the underlying AudioWorkletProcessor has a parameterDescriptors static getter, then the returned array of objects based on this dictionary is used internally by AudioWorkletNode constructor to populate its parameters property accordingly.
The Web Audio API interface represents a set of multiple audio parameters, each described as a mapping of a String identifying the parameter to the AudioParam object representing its value.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The Web Audio API represents events that occur when a ScriptProcessorNode input buffer is ready to be processed.
The interface—part of the Web Audio API—is a parent interface for several types of audio source node interfaces which share the ability to be started and stopped, optionally at specified times. Specifically, this interface defines the start() and stop() methods, as well as the onended event handler.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Audio API is used to supply custom audio processing scripts that execute in a separate thread to provide very low latency audio processing. The worklet's code is run in the AudioWorkletGlobalScope global execution context, using a separate Web Audio thread which is shared by the worklet and other audio nodes. Access the audio context's instance of through the BaseAudioContext.audioWorklet property.
The interface of the Web Audio API represents a global execution context for user-supplied code, which defines custom AudioWorkletProcessor-derived classes. Each BaseAudioContext has a single AudioWorklet available under the audioWorklet property, which runs its code in a single . As the global execution context is shared across the current BaseAudioContext, it's possible to define any other variables and perform any actions allowed in worklets — apart from defining AudioWorkletProcessor-derived classes.
Note: Although the interface is available outside secure contexts, the BaseAudioContext.audioWorklet property is not, thus custom AudioWorkletProcessors cannot be defined outside them.
The interface of the Web Audio API represents an audio processing code behind a custom AudioWorkletNode. It lives in the AudioWorkletGlobalScope and runs on the Web Audio rendering thread. In turn, an AudioWorkletNode based on it runs on the main thread.
The interface of the Web Audio API acts as a base definition for online and offline audio-processing graphs, as represented by AudioContext and OfflineAudioContext respectively. You wouldn't use directly — you'd use its features via one of these two inheriting interfaces. A can be a target of events, therefore it implements the EventTarget interface.
The interface represents a simple low-order filter, and is created using the BaseAudioContext/createBiquadFilter method. It is an AudioNode that can represent different kinds of filters, tone control devices, and graphic equalizers. A always has exactly one input and one output.
The interface, often used in conjunction with its opposite, ChannelSplitterNode, reunites different mono inputs into a single output. Each input is used to fill a channel of the output. This is useful for accessing each channels separately, e.g. for performing channel mixing where gain must be separately controlled on each channel.
The interface, often used in conjunction with its opposite, ChannelMergerNode, separates the different channels of an audio source into a set of mono outputs. This is useful for accessing each channel separately, e.g. for performing channel mixing where gain must be separately controlled on each channel.
The interface—part of the Web Audio API—represents an audio source (based upon AudioScheduledSourceNode) whose output is single unchanging value. This makes it useful for cases in which you need a constant value coming in from an audio source. In addition, it can be used like a constructible AudioParam by automating the value of its offset or by connecting another node to it; see Controlling multiple parameters with ConstantSourceNode. A has no inputs and exactly one monaural (one-channel) output. The output's value is always the same as the value of the offset parameter.
The interface is an AudioNode that performs a Linear Convolution on a given AudioBuffer, often used to achieve a reverb effect. A always has exactly one input and one output.
The interface represents a delay-line; an AudioNode audio-processing module that causes a delay between the arrival of an input data and its propagation to the output. A always has exactly one input and one output, both with the same amount of channels.
The interface provides a compression effect, which lowers the volume of the loudest parts of the signal in order to help prevent clipping and distortion that can occur when multiple sounds are played and multiplexed together at once. This is often used in musical production and game audio. is an AudioNode that has exactly one input and one output.
The interface represents a change in volume. It is an AudioNode audio-processing module that causes a given gain to be applied to the input data before its propagation to the output. A always has exactly one input and one output, both with the same number of channels. The gain is a unitless value, changing with time, that is multiplied to each corresponding sample of all input channels. If modified, the new gain is instantly applied, causing unaesthetic 'clicks' in the resulting audio. To prevent this from happening, never change the value directly but use the exponential interpolation methods on the AudioParam interface.
The interface of the Web Audio API is a AudioNode processor which implements a general infinite impulse response (IIR) filter; this type of filter can be used to implement tone control devices and graphic equalizers as well. It lets the parameters of the filter response be specified, so that it can be tuned as needed.
The interface represents an audio source consisting of an HTML5 <audio> or <video> element. It is an AudioNode that acts as an audio source. A MediaElementSourceNode has no inputs and exactly one output, and is created using the AudioContext.createMediaElementSource() method. The amount of channels in the output equals the number of channels of the audio referenced by the HTMLMediaElement used in the creation of the node, or is 1 if the HTMLMediaElement has no audio.
The interface represents an audio destination consisting of a WebRTC MediaStream with a single AudioMediaStreamTrack, which can be used in a similar way to a MediaStream obtained from Navigator.getUserMedia(). It is an AudioNode that acts as an audio destination, created using the AudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination() method.
The interface is a type of AudioNode which operates as an audio source whose media is received from a MediaStream obtained using the WebRTC or Media Capture and Streams APIs. This media could be from a microphone (through getUserMedia()) or from a remote peer on a WebRTC call (using the RTCPeerConnection's audio tracks). A has no inputs and exactly one output, and is created using the AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource() method. The takes the audio from the first MediaStreamTrack whose kind attribute's value is audio. See Track ordering for more information about the order of tracks. The number of channels output by the node matches the number of tracks found in the selected audio track.
The interface is a type of AudioNode which represents a source of audio data taken from a specific MediaStreamTrack obtained through the WebRTC or Media Capture and Streams APIs. The audio itself might be input from a microphone or other audio sampling device, or might be received through a RTCPeerConnection, among other possible options. A has no inputs and exactly one output, and is created using the AudioContext.createMediaStreamTrackSource() method. This interface is similar to MediaStreamAudioSourceNode, except it lets you specifically state the track to use, rather than assuming the first audio track on a stream.
The Web Audio API interface represents events that occur when the processing of an OfflineAudioContext is terminated. The complete event uses this interface.
The interface is an AudioContext interface representing an audio-processing graph built from linked together AudioNodes. In contrast with a standard AudioContext, an doesn't render the audio to the device hardware; instead, it generates it, as fast as it can, and outputs the result to an AudioBuffer.
The interface represents a periodic waveform, such as a sine wave. It is an AudioScheduledSourceNode audio-processing module that causes a specified frequency of a given wave to be created—in effect, a constant tone.
The interface represents the position and behavior of an audio source signal in space. It is an AudioNode audio-processing module describing its position with right-hand Cartesian coordinates, its movement using a velocity vector and its directionality using a directionality cone. A always has exactly one input and one output: the input can be mono or stereo but the output is always stereo (2 channels); you can't have panning effects without at least two audio channels!
The interface defines a periodic waveform that can be used to shape the output of an OscillatorNode. has no inputs or outputs; it is used to define custom oscillators when calling OscillatorNode.setPeriodicWave(). The itself is created/returned by BaseAudioContext.createPeriodicWave.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface allows the generation, processing, or analyzing of audio using JavaScript.
The interface of the Web Audio API represents a simple stereo panner node that can be used to pan an audio stream left or right. It is an AudioNode audio-processing module that positions an incoming audio stream in a stereo image using a low-cost equal-power panning algorithm. The pan property takes a unitless value between -1 (full left pan) and 1 (full right pan). This interface was introduced as a much simpler way to apply a simple panning effect than having to use a full PannerNode.
The interface represents a non-linear distorter. It is an AudioNode that uses a curve to apply a wave shaping distortion to the signal. Beside obvious distortion effects, it is often used to add a warm feeling to the signal. A always has exactly one input and one output.


PropsAnalyserNode on AnalyserNode
PropsAnalyserOptions on AnalyserOptions
PropsAudioBuffer on AudioBuffer
PropsAudioBufferOptions on AudioBufferOptions
PropsAudioBufferSourceNode on AudioBufferSourceNode
PropsAudioBufferSourceOptions on AudioBufferSourceOptions
PropsAudioContext on AudioContext
PropsAudioContextOptions on AudioContextOptions
PropsAudioDestinationNode on AudioDestinationNode
PropsAudioListener on AudioListener
PropsAudioNode on AudioNode
PropsAudioNodeOptions on AudioNodeOptions
PropsAudioParam on AudioParam
PropsAudioParamDescriptor on AudioParamDescriptor
PropsAudioProcessingEvent on AudioProcessingEvent
PropsAudioProcessingEventInit on AudioProcessingEventInit
PropsAudioRenderCapacity on AudioRenderCapacity
PropsAudioRenderCapacityEvent on AudioRenderCapacityEvent
PropsAudioRenderCapacityEventInit on AudioRenderCapacityEventInit
PropsAudioRenderCapacityOptions on AudioRenderCapacityOptions
PropsAudioScheduledSourceNode on AudioScheduledSourceNode
PropsAudioTimestamp on AudioTimestamp
PropsAudioWorkletGlobalScope on AudioWorkletGlobalScope
PropsAudioWorkletNode on AudioWorkletNode
PropsAudioWorkletNodeOptions on AudioWorkletNodeOptions
PropsAudioWorkletProcessor on AudioWorkletProcessor
PropsBaseAudioContext on BaseAudioContext
PropsBiquadFilterNode on BiquadFilterNode
PropsBiquadFilterOptions on BiquadFilterOptions
PropsChannelMergerOptions on ChannelMergerOptions
PropsChannelSplitterOptions on ChannelSplitterOptions
PropsConstantSourceNode on ConstantSourceNode
PropsConstantSourceOptions on ConstantSourceOptions
PropsConvolverNode on ConvolverNode
PropsConvolverOptions on ConvolverOptions
PropsDelayNode on DelayNode
PropsDelayOptions on DelayOptions
PropsDynamicsCompressorNode on DynamicsCompressorNode
PropsDynamicsCompressorOptions on DynamicsCompressorOptions
PropsGainNode on GainNode
PropsGainOptions on GainOptions
PropsIIRFilterNode on IIRFilterNode
PropsIIRFilterOptions on IIRFilterOptions
PropsMediaElementAudioSourceNode on MediaElementAudioSourceNode
PropsMediaElementAudioSourceOptions on MediaElementAudioSourceOptions
PropsMediaStreamAudioDestinationNode on MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
PropsMediaStreamAudioSourceNode on MediaStreamAudioSourceNode
PropsMediaStreamAudioSourceOptions on MediaStreamAudioSourceOptions
PropsMediaStreamTrackAudioSourceOptions on MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceOptions
PropsOfflineAudioCompletionEvent on OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
PropsOfflineAudioCompletionEventInit on OfflineAudioCompletionEventInit
PropsOfflineAudioContext on OfflineAudioContext
PropsOfflineAudioContextOptions on OfflineAudioContextOptions
PropsOscillatorNode on OscillatorNode
PropsOscillatorOptions on OscillatorOptions
PropsPannerNode on PannerNode
PropsPannerOptions on PannerOptions
PropsPeriodicWaveConstraints on PeriodicWaveConstraints
PropsPeriodicWaveOptions on PeriodicWaveOptions
PropsScriptProcessorNode on ScriptProcessorNode
PropsStereoPannerNode on StereoPannerNode
PropsStereoPannerOptions on StereoPannerOptions
PropsWaveShaperNode on WaveShaperNode
PropsWaveShaperOptions on WaveShaperOptions