credentials library


buildJwsHeader({required String alg, String? jku, Map<String, dynamic>? jwk, String? kid, String? x5u, List<String>? x5c, String? x5t, String? x5tS256, String? typ, Map<String, dynamic>? extra}) String
buildPlaintextCredential(dynamic credential, String? holderDid, {bool addHashAlg = true}) String
Builds a json-Object where every Attribute gets a value and salt from json-Object credential.
buildPresentation(List? credentials, WalletStore wallet, String challenge, {String? holder, String? domain, List<String>? additionalDids, List? disclosedCredentials, dynamic loadDocumentFunction(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options) = loadDocumentStrict}) Future<String>
Builds a presentation for credentials.
buildPresentationDefinitionForCredential(dynamic credential) PresentationDefinition
Build a Presentation definition to e.g. propose the given credential for presentation.
buildProofOptions({required SignatureType type, required String verificationMethod, String? domain, String? challenge}) String
buildW3cCredentialwithHashes(dynamic credential, String? issuerDid, {dynamic type, dynamic context, dynamic issuerInformation, DateTime? validUntil, String? revocationRegistryAddress}) String
Builds a credential conform to W3C-Standard, which includes all hashes a plaintext-credential credential contains.
checkForRevocation(dynamic credential, {Erc1056? erc1056, RevocationRegistry? revocationRegistry}) Future<bool>
compareW3cCredentialAndPlaintext(dynamic w3cCred, dynamic plaintext) bool
Checks weather a W3C-Credential containing all attribute hashes belongs to a Plaintext Credential or not.
discloseValues(dynamic plaintextCredential, List<String> valuesToDisclose) String
Discloses all values in valuesToDisclose of plaintextCredential.
getAllJsonPathsOfCredential(dynamic w3cCredential) List<String>
Returns all json-paths of the relevant keys used in the credentialSubject-part of a w3cCredential.
getDidFromSignature(String jws, {String? toSign, Erc1056? erc1056}) Future<String>
Extracts the did used for signing jws.
getHolderDidFromCredential(dynamic credential) String
Collects the did of the Holder of credential.
getIssuerDidFromCredential(dynamic credential) String
Collects the did of the issuer of a credential.
loadDocumentFast(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options) Future<RemoteDocument>
loadDocumentStrict(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options) → RemoteDocument
mergeSdJwt(String sdJwt) Map<String, dynamic>
searchCredentialsForPresentationDefinition(List credentials, PresentationDefinition presentationDefinition) List<FilterResult>
signCredential(WalletStore wallet, dynamic credentialToSign, {String? challenge, Signer? signer, dynamic loadDocumentFunction(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options) = loadDocumentStrict}) Future<String>
Signs a W3C-Standard conform credentialToSign with the private key for issuer-did in the credential using linked data proof.
signStringOrJson({WalletStore? wallet, String? didToSignWith, Map<String, dynamic>? jwk, required dynamic toSign, Signer? signer, bool detached = false, dynamic jwsHeader}) Future<String>
Signs the given String (normal or Json-Object) or Json-Object (Dart Map<String, dynamic>) toSign with key-pair of didToSignWith.
verifyCredential(dynamic credential, {Erc1056? erc1056, RevocationRegistry? revocationRegistry, String? expectedChallenge, Signer signerSelector(String typeMatch, dynamic loadDocumentFunction(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options)) = _determineSignerForType, dynamic loadDocumentFunction(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options) = loadDocumentStrict, Map<String, dynamic>? issuerJwk}) Future<bool>
Verifies the signature for the given credential.
verifyPresentation(dynamic presentation, String challenge, {Erc1056? erc1056, RevocationRegistry? revocationRegistry, Signer? signer, Signer signerSelector(String typeMatch, dynamic loadDocumentFunction(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options)) = _determineSignerForType, dynamic loadDocumentFunction(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options) = loadDocumentStrict, Future<DidDocument> didResolver(String) = resolveDidDocument, Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>? issuerJwks}) Future<bool>
Verifies the presentation.
verifyStringSignature(String jws, {String? expectedDid, Map<String, dynamic>? jwk, dynamic toSign, Erc1056? erc1056}) Future<bool>
Verifies the signature in jws.

Exceptions / Errors
