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Dart Package supporting Verifiable Credentials, Dids, a wallet for them, Didcomm and IWCE

dart_ssi #

Dart Package supporting several standards in SSI space, inclusive a minimal wallet implementation based on Hive. This Package contains classes and functions for storing verifiable credentials and relating key-pairs; issue, verify and revoke credentials and presentations and interact with a erc1056 smartContract. Additional two exchange protocols (IWCE and DIDComm V2) for verifiable Credentials and Presentations are supported.

Important Note: This package is work-in-progress. The API is subject to change and the code was not tested extensively.

Getting Started #

To setup a Wallet just do this:

void main() {
  var wallet = new WalletStore('holder');
  await wallet.openBoxes('holderPW');

Credentials #

Most important part of this package are the credentials supported by it. These credentials are able to support selective disclosure using a simple hash-based mechanism. Therefore every attribute of a credential is hashed with a salt. The verifiable credential signed by the issuer only contains the hashes. In the wallet of the holder both credentials - the one containing all values with their salts and the signed one - are stored. Usage of this selective disclosure mechanism is optional. E.g. the first mentioned type - in the package referred to to as plaintext-credential - looks like this:

   "type": ["HashedPlaintextCredential2021","NameAgeCredential"],
   "hashAlg": "keccak-256",
   "name": {
  "age": {

and the corresponding signed verifiable credential like this:

    "credentialSubject": {
    "proof": {

For now the only supported signature-suites for the proof-section are EcdsaSecp256k1RecoverySignature2020 and Ed25519Signature2020. If you need another one the API for signing in verifying credentials is extensible. How you could develop and use your own signature suites is described in extendSigners.md

Some Notes on Json-Ld Signatures #

Usage of Credentials #

As the W3C-Specification for Verifiable Credentials describes, a credential is issued by an issuer, stored by a holder and presented to verifier. How to achieve this using this package is shown in the examples issuance.dart and verification.dart. Beside this a credential could be revoked by its issuer as shown in credential_revocation.dart. For the revocation a simple Ethereum-SmartContract is used, that should be deployed for each issuer.

Key- and Identifier Management #

The identifiers used here are decentralized identifiers (DID) according to did:ethr Method and did:key Method. In case of the later one, only Ed25519 and X25519 keys are supported now. All keys are managed in a hierarchical-deterministic manner as known from Bitcoin wallets, because it is recommended to use a new identifier for each credential or service you would like to interact with. To generate one use

var newDID = await wallet.getNextCredentialDID();
// or (when get in contact with a new service)
var newDID = await wallet.getNextConnectionDID();

This package only supports credentials that are issued to different dids each, because each credential is identified be it.

With the ERC1056-SmartContract (EthereumDIDRegistry) it is for example possible to rotate a key if it is lost/corrupted. An example for that could be found in key_rotation.dart.

An identifier could not only be used to bind credentials on it. They could also be used to encrypt/sign didcomm messages with or as an replacement for an 'normal' username. These are referred to as ConnectionDIDs in this package. A usage example for the second case could be found in registration.dart. Therefore a registration process for a new user within an online-service could include the following steps:

  1. User generates new Connection DID and submits this to service. That's enough to authenticate an user technically, when he/she returns (using digital signatures).
  2. To identify an user (Who is the person behind the identifier?) credentials are needed and submitted.

Didcomm #

This package supports the Didcomm V2 message format. Except of the optional XChaCha20Poly1305 Encryption all Encryption, Key Agreement, Key Wrap and signing Algorithms mentioned in the spec are supported. From a message level perspective the following Message/Protocols are supported:

A full example for issuing a credential and requesting a presentation using didcomm can be found in didcomm.dart

Differences to Didcomm spec #

  • This library supports explizit two additional headers for the plaintext messages not mentioned in the spec. These are reply_url and reply_to. Both are described in JWM-Spec, the didcomm plaintext messages are based on. They are useful, when didcomm is used with a did-method that do not support service endpoints or to clarify which service endpoint from a did-document should be used.

TODOs/Future Plans #

  • support of didcomm routing messages
  • from_prior header is not fully supported now
  • the hash in attachment data of a didcomm message is not checked yet
  • not all features of Presentation Exchange are evaluated correctly now. These are:
    • path_nested property in submission_requirement
    • is_holder property
    • same_subject property
    • statuses property
    • predicate property
  • there are not many tests

More Examples #

With this library it is on the one hand side possible to build a mobile wallet application and on the other hand side to build agent software running on a server (e.g. for issuing credentials). For both there are small examples:



unverified uploader

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Dart Package supporting Verifiable Credentials, Dids, a wallet for them, Didcomm and IWCE

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


asn1lib, base_codecs, bip32, bip39, crypto, crypto_keys, dart_multihash, ed25519_edwards, ed25519_hd_key, elliptic, hive, http, json_ld_processor, json_path, json_schema, uuid, web3dart, x25519


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