buildPresentationDefinitionForCredential function
Build a Presentation definition to e.g. propose the given credential
for presentation.
PresentationDefinition buildPresentationDefinitionForCredential(
dynamic credential) {
VerifiableCredential cred;
if (credential is VerifiableCredential) {
cred = credential;
} else {
cred = VerifiableCredential.fromJson(credential);
List<InputDescriptorField> fields = [];
var type = cred.type.firstWhere(
(element) => element != 'VerifiableCredential',
orElse: () => '');
if (type.isNotEmpty) {
var typeField = InputDescriptorField(
path: [JsonPath(r'$.type')],
filter: JsonSchema.create({
'type': 'array',
'contains': {'type': 'string', 'pattern': type}
var vcAsJson = cred.toJson();
var paths = getAllJsonPathsOfCredential(vcAsJson);
for (var path in paths) {
var asJsonPath = JsonPath('\$.credentialSubject.$path');
var value =;
var field = InputDescriptorField(path: [JsonPath('\$..$path')]);
if (value is String) {
field.filter = JsonSchema.create({'type': 'string', 'pattern': value});
} else if (value is num) {
field.filter = JsonSchema.create({'type': 'number'});
} else if (value is bool) {
field.filter = JsonSchema.create({'type': 'boolean'});
return PresentationDefinition(inputDescriptors: [
InputDescriptor(constraints: InputDescriptorConstraints(fields: fields))