verifyCredential function
Verifies the signature for the given credential
may be of datatype Map<String, dynamic>, (jsonEncoded) String or VerifiableCredential.
If an erc1056
instance is given it is used to determine the current ethereum-Address behind a did.
If the credential contains a credentialStatus
property, the revocation status is checked.
In case of credentialStatus type EthereumRevocationList
is needed.
Only in case the credential Signature is valid and the credential is not revoked or suspended true is returned,
otherwise an Exception is thrown. There are two different types of Exceptions in use: RevokedException and SignatureException.
Both use codes to indicate why the credential is invalid. If a SignatureException has the code sig
the signature itself is invalid,
if it has the code sigErr
something went wrong during signature check.
If a RevokedException has code rev
or sus
the credential was revoked or suspended, if it has code revErr
something went wrong during revocation check.
Future<bool> verifyCredential(dynamic credential,
{Erc1056? erc1056,
RevocationRegistry? revocationRegistry,
String? expectedChallenge,
Signer Function(
String typeMatch,
Function(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options)
signerSelector = _determineSignerForType,
Function(Uri url, LoadDocumentOptions? options) loadDocumentFunction =
Map<String, dynamic>? issuerJwk}) async {
Map<String, dynamic> credMap;
if (credential is VerifiableCredential) {
credMap = credential.toJson();
} else {
credMap = credentialToMap(credential);
if (!credMap.containsKey('proof')) {
throw Exception('no proof section found');
var revoked = await checkForRevocation(credential,
erc1056: erc1056, revocationRegistry: revocationRegistry);
if (revoked) {
throw RevokedException('Credential was revoked', 'rev');
// determine issuer
var issuerDid = getIssuerDidFromCredential(credential);
if (erc1056 != null) issuerDid = await erc1056.identityOwner(issuerDid);
// verify proof
Map<String, dynamic> proof = credMap['proof'];
var signer =['type'], loadDocumentFunction);
var verified = true;
try {
verified = await signer.verifyProof(
Map<String, dynamic>.from(proof), credMap, issuerDid,
challenge: expectedChallenge, jwk: issuerJwk);
} catch (e) {
credMap['proof'] = proof;
throw SignatureException('Unable to verify credential Signature', 'sigErr');
credMap['proof'] = proof;
if (!verified) {
throw SignatureException('Credentials Signature incorrect', 'sig');
return verified;