getDidFromSignature function

Future<String> getDidFromSignature(
  1. String jws, {
  2. String? toSign,
  3. Erc1056? erc1056,

Extracts the did used for signing jws.

If a detached jws is given the signed string must be given separately as toSign. toSign could be a String or a json-object (Dart Map).


Future<String> getDidFromSignature(String jws,
    {String? toSign, Erc1056? erc1056}) async {
  var splitted = jws.split('.');
  if (splitted.length != 3) throw Exception('Malformed JWS');
  var signature = _getSignatureFromJws(jws);
  String payload;
  if (splitted[1] != '') {
    payload = splitted[1];
  } else if (toSign != null) {
    payload = removePaddingFromBase64(base64UrlEncode(utf8.encode(toSign)));
  } else {
    throw Exception('No payload given');
  var signingInput = '${splitted[0]}.$payload';
  var hashToSign = sha256.convert(ascii.encode(signingInput)).bytes;
  var pubKey = ecRecover(hashToSign as Uint8List, signature);

  var did = 'did:ethr:${EthereumAddress.fromPublicKey(pubKey).hexEip55}';
  if (erc1056 != null) {
    if (erc1056.networkName != 'mainnet') {
      did =
    var expectedDid = await erc1056.identityOwner(did);
    if (expectedDid != did) {
      throw Exception('Did of Signature do not match with ERC1056 entry');
  return did;