signStringOrJson function

Future<String> signStringOrJson({
  1. WalletStore? wallet,
  2. String? didToSignWith,
  3. Map<String, dynamic>? jwk,
  4. required dynamic toSign,
  5. Signer? signer,
  6. bool detached = false,
  7. dynamic jwsHeader,

Signs the given String (normal or Json-Object) or Json-Object (Dart Map<String, dynamic>) toSign with key-pair of didToSignWith.

Returned signature is formatted as jws. If a detached jws (header..signature) should be returned detached must be set to true. If no custom jwsHeader is given, the default one is

  "alg" : "ES256K-R",
  "b64" : false,
  "crit" : ["b64"]

if did is of type did:ethr or

  "alg" : "EdDSA",
  "crv" : "Ed25519"

if did is of type did:key with appropriate key-Material If a custom one should be used, it has to be given in its json representation (dart String or Map) and the value of alg has to be ES256K-R or EdDSA with curve Ed25519, because for now this is the only supported signature algorithm.


Future<String> signStringOrJson(
    {WalletStore? wallet,
    String? didToSignWith,
    Map<String, dynamic>? jwk,
    required dynamic toSign,
    Signer? signer,
    bool detached = false,
    dynamic jwsHeader}) async {
  signer ??= jwk != null
      ? _determineSignerForJwk(jwk, null)
      : _determineSignerForDid(didToSignWith!, null);
  return signer.sign(
      data: toSign,
      wallet: wallet,
      did: didToSignWith,
      jwk: jwk,
      detached: detached,
      jwsHeader: jwsHeader);