checkForRevocation function
- dynamic credential, {
- Erc1056? erc1056,
- RevocationRegistry? revocationRegistry,
Future<bool> checkForRevocation(dynamic credential,
{Erc1056? erc1056, RevocationRegistry? revocationRegistry}) async {
Map<String, dynamic> credMap;
if (credential is VerifiableCredential) {
credMap = credential.toJson();
} else {
credMap = credentialToMap(credential);
// check for Revocation
if (credMap.containsKey('credentialStatus')) {
var credStatus = credMap['credentialStatus'];
if (credStatus['type'] == 'EthereumRevocationList') {
if (revocationRegistry != null) {
var revoked = await revocationRegistry
if (revoked) throw RevokedException('Credential was revoked', 'rev');
} else {
throw RevokedException('Revocation contract needed', 'revErr');
} else if (credStatus['type'] == 'RevocationList2020Status') {
var status = RevocationList2020Status.fromJson(credStatus);
var res = await get(Uri.parse(status.revocationListCredential),
headers: {'Accept': 'application/json'})
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 30), onTimeout: () {
return Response('Timeout', 408);
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
var revCred = RevocationList2020Credential.fromJson(res.body);
try {
await verifyCredential(revCred);
} on SignatureException catch (_) {
throw RevokedException(
'could not verify RevocationListCredential', 'revErr');
var revoked = revCred.isRevoked(int.parse(status.revocationListIndex));
if (revoked) {
throw RevokedException('Credential is revoked', 'rev');
} else {
throw RevokedException(
'Error loading status list from ${status.revocationListCredential}',
} else if (credStatus['type'] == 'StatusList2021Entry') {
var status = StatusList2021Entry.fromJson(credStatus);
var res = await get(Uri.parse(status.statusListCredential),
headers: {'Accept': 'application/json'})
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 30), onTimeout: () {
return Response('Timeout', 408);
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
var revCred = StatusList2021Credential.fromJson(res.body);
if (revCred.statusPurpose != status.statusPurpose) {
throw RevokedException(
'StatusPurpose of StatusListEntry and StatusListCredential do not match',
try {
await verifyCredential(revCred);
} on SignatureException catch (_) {
throw RevokedException(
'could not verify RevocationListCredential', 'revErr');
var revoked = revCred.isRevoked(int.parse(status.statusListIndex));
if (revoked) {
throw RevokedException(
'Credential is ${status.statusPurpose == CredentialStatus2021Purpose.revocation ? 'revoked' : 'suspended'}',
status.statusPurpose == CredentialStatus2021Purpose.revocation
? 'rev'
: 'sus');
} else {
throw RevokedException(
'Error loading status list from ${status.statusListCredential}',
} else {
throw RevokedException(
'Unknown Status-method : ${credStatus['type']}', 'revErr');
return false;