Results17 packages
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A MongoDB connection pool for Dart. Using this package, your application will open as many database connections as you specify as soon as it runs.
This library includes a json model generator, a unified database operator interface, a server and client framework, a virtual machine for AOT code push, and a log module.#client#server#shelf#eval#codepush
A fluent Dart persistence API inspired by SQL that supports PostgreSQL, MongoDB, simple file and in-memory storage.
Self-hosted private Dart Pub server for Enterprise, with a simple web interface to search and view packages information.
Backend server framework designed for a quick development of modular WebSocket based server applications with MongoDB integration.
Testainers is a powerful Dart plugin designed to streamline the management of containers for testing purposes.
This framework is part of the [Pip.Services]( project. It contains the following MongoDB components.
Self hosted Dart Pub Server. Host your enterprise Dart packages internally using the same web interface and tools as
MongoDB-enabled services for the Angel3 framework. Well-tested.
This framework is part of the [Pip.Services]( project. It contains the following MongoDB components.

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