Results49 packages
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TextField and TextFormField widgets using Google Maps Places Api for Address Autocompletion.
Google Maps Web Services [API](
Google Maps Web Services [API](
A Flutter plugin for integrating Google Maps in iOS and Android applications.#google-maps#google-maps-flutter#map
Web platform implementation of google_maps_flutter#google-maps#google-maps-flutter#map
Initial version comes with the 3 main Classes. SphericalUtils, MathUtils and PolyUtils, calculating bounds, distances headings and many more.
A Flutter package which can be used to make polylines(route) from a source to a destination, and also handle a driver's realtime location (if any) on the map.
Google maps web services for flutter (Geocoding, Places, Directions, Distance Matrix, Photos, Timezone, Static Map)
Google Maps Web Services [API](
Gives the polyline coordinates to set polylines in Google Map.

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