Results57 packages
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Flutter plugin for querying information about the application package, such as CFBundleVersion on iOS or versionCode on Android.
Flutter plugin to play audio in the background while the screen is off.#audio#background
A time-based job scheduler similar to cron. Run tasks periodically at fixed times or intervals.#cron#scheduler#cron-parser#schedule#cron-time
A dart implementation of the famous javascript library 'jsonwebtoken' (JWT).
Wiredash is an interactive user feedback tool for Flutter apps including Promoter Score.#analytics#feedback#bug-reporting#nps
A timer implementation that can be paused, resumed and reset.
A weekly date picker where you can scroll between weeks and select a date.
A Flutter plugin that exposes device specific speech to text recognition capability.
Stash is a key-value store abstraction with plain and cache driven semantics and support for a pluggable backend architecture.
More Dart — Literally. Collecting, iterating, caching, mathematics, matching, ordering, and formatting easily.#collections#data-structures#functional#graph#unicode

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