
  • Packages
Results16 packages owned by rk0cc.xyz
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Get hardware information (BIOS, Motherboard and System) into Flutter platform.#hardware#device#bios
Cupertino themed widget for generating rich information link from URL.#web#link#graph#http#apple
Fluent themed widget for generating rich information link from URL.#web#link#graph#http#fluent
Material themed widget for generating rich information link from URL.#web#link#graph#http#material
Receive ozh's GitHub colour to Flutter's colour implementation with caching and fallback.#color#colour
FTP accessibility library in Asserest with security, username and password supported
Convert the simplest file data format key=value between string and map.
Implement change notifier for collection object e.g. List, Set and Map
Object standarized definition with parser interface for constructing rich information of given URL among various metadata protocols.#fetch#http#metadata
Command-line tools for reviewing decoded content of metadata and JSON data export support#command#console#cli#terminal