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Comprehensive clipboard access package for Flutter. Supports reading and writing of rich text, images and other formats.
Native Drag and Drop support for Flutter. Allows dragging contents across applications.
Drop-in replacement for SliverList and ListView that can handle large lists with variable extents and jump/animate to specific items.
Context menu for Flutter that can seamlesly transition to drag & drop on mobile. Uses system context menu on iOS, macOS and Linux.
Low level interface various native APIs such as clipboard and Drag and Drop. Not meant to be used directly.
Easy access to FlutterView, FlutterBinaryMessenger and FlutterTextureRegistry for FFI.
Allows registering global (system-wide) hot keys. Supported on macOS and Windows.
Keyboard layout mapping for Flutter. Map between physical and logical keys according to current keyboard layout and provides notification on layout changes.
NativeShell Dart API. Used to interact with NativeShell platform code.