
  • Packages
Results23 packages owned by dart-board.io
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A basic template example that works with the App Bar and SideNav and registered DartBoard routes using RouteView.
Feature Framework for Flutter. Provides a kernel that allows feature encapsulation, isolation and integration.
Animated canvas feature - Use to mount animations to routes
Basic image background decoration, feature can be applied with variants to have "image background" selections.
A basic template example that works with the Bottom Nav and registered DartBoard routes using RouteView.
Utility/Architecture Widgets for Dart Board (or other projects)
An extension that brings interactive logging to a Dart Board app. Provides a toolbar and screen.
Redux extensions for Dart Board, exposes flutter_redux and dart redux, and wraps them in a decoration based API, allowing features their own Redux stores
The cool space scene from the space-clock, ported to dart-board
Redux extensions for Dart Board, exposes flutter_redux and dart redux, and wraps them in a decoration based API, allowing features their own Redux stores