dart_board_widgets 1.10.0
dart_board_widgets: ^1.10.0 copied to clipboard
Utility/Architecture Widgets for Dart Board (or other projects)
dart_board_widgets #
Generalized Architecture Widgets
These are the widgets I commonly use to facilitate dart board features. They've been packaged seperately to allow people to use them without the platform.
Boolean Builder #
Conditional Widget that will build one way or another based on a flag.
Useful for breaking out logic into the widget tree.
ChangeNotifierBuilder #
Builder's for change notifiers
Can use extension syntax on ChangeNotifier (e.g.) yourChangeNOtifier.builder((ctx, val) => )
Can also use ChangeNotifierBuilder2 & 3 variants to watch more notifiers. I include up to 3 for now which should cover most use cases.
ConvertorWidget #
A widget designed for ViewModel generation. Can optimize builds if you implement equals on your widgets, or cache your converted models.
LifeCycleWidget #
A widget for tapping into a stateful widgets life cycle. Very useful for App and Page decorations with dart board (e.g. fire a tracking event, start loading something, etc.)
PeriodicWidget #
A widget that lets you hook a callback into the widget tree.
WidgetStream #
The magic of async*
in widget format. This lets you emit widgets, e.g.
WidgetStream((ctx) async * {
yield Text('Loading');
yield DetailsWidget(await loadData());
This is most useful for "loading" flows. E.g. if you need to do a bunch of async stuff you can use this to chain them together.