dart_board_canvas 1.3.7 copy "dart_board_canvas: ^1.3.7" to clipboard
dart_board_canvas: ^1.3.7 copied to clipboard

Animated canvas feature - Use to mount animations to routes

dart_board_canvas #

This one is for fun. It provides a way to expose a Route which reveals an indeterminate animated canvas.

This is meant for physics/visual simulations and demo's. If you want access to the canvas to draw something cool, this is it.

It's similar to the flutter "funvas" project, and is designed for quick and dirty graphics work. It does not provide shorthand like funvas does.

Getting Started #

Adding to your App #

Add DartBoardCanvasFeature to your application, it is configured to be registered multiple times under many namespaces if necessary. It binds an animated widget to a route.

params showFpsOverlay enable an app decoration that will show your canvas/draw performance/fps implementationName & namespace feature registration details route the route this feature will expose stateBuilder Builds the AnimatedCanvasState instance

Implementing canvas effects. #

  1. Extend AnimatedCanvasState
  2. implement init(BuildContext context) and dispose() if necessary.
  3. implement paint(Canvas, Size) to draw your thing
  4. EITHER Use DartBoardCanvaFeature to mount your Animation
  5. OR use AnimatedCanvasWidget and give it your state object.

built-in fields/getters accessible in paint() time - The current simulation time timeDelta - The delta time of the frame fps - 1/timeDelta context the active BuildContext this painter is operating in

Funvas Support #


Funvas code can be dropped in as is usually, the shorthand API is supported, and a small amount of code ported. However, we don't bring in funvas directly.

Just drop the funvas code into the paint() method.

I know it's strange to have 2 api's (e.g. time and t), but funvas is really nice, and the programming style of brevity and hacking is nicely in the spirit of this kind of graphics programming. So use the shorthand for fun, use the full names if your writing more readable code.

Ultimately, up to you.


  • More examples
    • E.g. embedded funvas animations
    • Interactive physics animation
pub points


verified publisherdart-board.io

Animated canvas feature - Use to mount animations to routes



API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


dart_board_core, flutter


Packages that depend on dart_board_canvas