youtube_shorts 3.0.0 copy "youtube_shorts: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
youtube_shorts: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard

A vertical youtube shorts player. Show youtube shorts videos by a list of urls or the target channel name.

▶️ youtube_shorts: A package for displaying youtube shorts. #

A vertical youtube shorts player. You can choose what shorts will be displayed by passing a list of shorts url's or by passing a channel name. Under the hood the package is using youtube_explode_dart to get youtube video info and media_kit as the player for videos.

🗂️ Summary #

Configurations and native permissions #

Since the package uses media_kit as it's video player engine, the native configurations of this package are the same configurations of media_kit package. Click here to access the media_kit package native configuration. Please do the configurations for the platforms you pretend to use.

That configurations also includes calling MediaKit.ensureInitialized(); in the main function. Please check documentation.

After macking the configuration, use package:permission_handler to request access at runtime:

if (/* Android 13 or higher. */) {
  // Video permissions.
  if (await Permission.videos.isDenied || await Permission.videos.isPermanentlyDenied) {
    final state = await Permission.videos.request();
    if (!state.isGranted) {
      await SystemNavigator.pop();
  // Audio permissions.
  if (await || await {
    final state = await;
    if (!state.isGranted) {
      await SystemNavigator.pop();
} else {
  if (await || await {
    final state = await;
    if (!state.isGranted) {
      await SystemNavigator.pop();

Basic how to use #

First, you will need to create a VideosSourceController that will controll all the video source. There are two constructor of the source controller. From a list of url or from the channel name. Examples are bellow:

- By list of youtube urls (example): #

You can check a complete implementation of this constructor by clicking here. But bellow is a more short right to the point example:

late final ShortsController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = ShortsController(
    youtubeVideoInfoService: VideosSourceController.fromUrlList(
      videoIds: [

- By channel name (example): #

Will display all videos of a channel with the channelName. ⚠️ Notice: The channel name is not necessarily the name you find with the '@' as a prefix. As an example: Searching fot the real madrid channel, you can see the url: That can make you think that 'realmadrid' is the channelName. Thats wrong. The find the correct youtube name you might search for the user url. It will be something like: '/[channelName]'. If you look for link, you will see thats it a totally diferent channel that dosen't even have stories. The right user of real madrid channel contains 'cf' in the final. So the real user url of realmadrid is: So we can see that the channel name is realmadridcf, not realmadrid.

Take that in mind when using VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel constructor.

For displaying multiple channels shorts, use

You can check a complete implementation of this constructor by clicking here. But bellow is a more short right to the point example:

late final ShortsController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = ShortsController(
    youtubeVideoInfoService: VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel(
      channelName: 'fcbarcelona',

- By multiple channels names (example): #

Simular to VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel. Inclusive the channel name works the same as well. But instead of using only one channelName you will pass a list of channels name.

⚠️ Important: Don't use VideosSourceController.fromMultiYoutubeChannels with a list with only one channel. It will work, but it won't be most optimized. The VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel is specialized and more perfomatic for displaying only one channel shorts.

You can check a complete implementation of this constructor by clicking here. But bellow is a more short right to the point example:

late final ShortsController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = ShortsController(
    youtubeVideoSourceController: VideosSourceController.fromMultiYoutubeChannels(
      channelsName: [

Shorts page use (minimal example): #

Now, we need too add the widget that shows the shorts and will use the controller we just created.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller,

Don't forget to dispose the controller after closing the page.

void dispose() {

Don't forget to check out the examples of "by url list" and "by channel name" implementations.

Video manipulation #

Controll the current/focussed player #

You can manipulate the player of the current video that is focused (in screen). Bellow are the methods of manipulation

final ShortsController controller = ShortsController(...);

controller.playCurrentVideo(); // Will play if paused
controller.pauseCurrentVideo();  // Will pause if playing
controller.muteCurrentVideo(); // Will mute (set volume to 0)
controller.setVolume(50); // 50% of the volume (0 - 100)

Set autoplay #

final ShortsController controller = ShortsController(
  startWithAutoplay: false, // Default is true

Set if videos will be played in loop #

final ShortsController controller = ShortsController(
  videosWillBeInLoop: false, // Default is true

Player manipulation #

Disable/enable default controllers #

Some default controllers are in the player (time control, pause/play etc). Those are the media_kit default player controllers. If you wan't to desable/enable them you can controll that by boolean the variable willHaveDefaultShortsControllers. This is usefull if you wan't to implement your own controllers.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  willHaveDefaultShortsControllers: false, // No more default controllers on video.
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller,

Create a overlay above the player #

This is usefull if you want to display something like controllers or more.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller,
    overlayWidgetBuilder: (
      int index,
      PageController pageController,
      VideoController videoController,
      Video videoData,
      MuxedStreamInfo info,
    ) {
      // Example of something you may want to return (this widget bellow does not exist)
      return MyCustomDoubleTapToPauseOverlayWidget(

Set loading widget #

You can display a widget that will be shown while the video is loading.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller,
    loadingWidget: Center(
      child: MyCustomCoolLoadingIndicator(),

Set error widget #

You can display a widget that will be shown when a error occours while fetching a video. You will have a error and probably a stacktrace also (can be null).

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller, 
    errorWidget: (error, stackTrace) {
      return Center(
        child: MyCustomCoolError(error, stackTrace),

Video builder #

videoBuilder parameter is for macking a wrapper in the player. Of if you can't to have a specific controll of the videoController of each player and wan't to make a controll of it here. child parameter is the default video widget that is displayed when you don't pass a videoBuilder. You can use it or not; for example, if you wan't to build your player from scratch, you won't use the child parameter. But if you just want to make a "wrapper" above the player, use this.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller, 
    videoBuilder: (
      int index,
      PageController pageController,
      VideoController videoController,
      Video videoData,
      MuxedStreamInfo hostedVideoInfo,
      Widget child,
    ) {
      return Container(
        padding: EdgeInsets.all(30),
        child: child,

Made with ❤ by Igor Miranda
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