youtube_shorts 4.0.2 copy "youtube_shorts: ^4.0.2" to clipboard
youtube_shorts: ^4.0.2 copied to clipboard

A vertical youtube shorts player. Show youtube shorts videos by a list of urls or the target channel name.

▶️ youtube_shorts: A package for displaying youtube shorts. #

A vertical youtube shorts player. You can choose what shorts will be displayed by passing a list of shorts url's or by passing a channel name. Under the hood the package is using youtube_explode_dart to get youtube video info and media_kit as the player for videos.

🗂️ Summary #

Configurations and native permissions #

Since the package uses media_kit as it's video player engine, the native configurations of this package are the same configurations of media_kit package. Click here to access the media_kit package native configuration. Please do the configurations for the platforms you pretend to use.

That configurations also includes calling MediaKit.ensureInitialized(); in the main function. Please check documentation.

After macking the configuration, use package:permission_handler to request access at runtime:

if (/* Android 13 or higher. */) {
  // Video permissions.
  if (await Permission.videos.isDenied || await Permission.videos.isPermanentlyDenied) {
    final state = await Permission.videos.request();
    if (!state.isGranted) {
      await SystemNavigator.pop();
  // Audio permissions.
  if (await || await {
    final state = await;
    if (!state.isGranted) {
      await SystemNavigator.pop();
} else {
  if (await || await {
    final state = await;
    if (!state.isGranted) {
      await SystemNavigator.pop();

Basic how to use #

First, you will need to create a VideosSourceController that will controll all the video source. There are two constructor of the source controller. From a list of url or from the channel name. Examples are bellow:

- By list of youtube urls (example): #

You can check a complete implementation of this constructor by clicking here. But bellow is a more short right to the point example:

late final ShortsController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = ShortsController(
    youtubeVideoInfoService: VideosSourceController.fromUrlList(
      videoIds: [

- By channel name (example): #

Will display all videos of a channel with the channelName. ⚠️ Notice: The channel name is not necessarily the name you find with the '@' as a prefix. As an example: Searching fot the real madrid channel, you can see the url: That can make you think that 'realmadrid' is the channelName. Thats wrong. The find the correct youtube name you might search for the user url. It will be something like: '/[channelName]'. If you look for link, you will see thats it a totally diferent channel that dosen't even have stories. The right user of real madrid channel contains 'cf' in the final. So the real user url of realmadrid is: So we can see that the channel name is realmadridcf, not realmadrid.

Take that in mind when using VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel constructor.

For displaying multiple channels shorts, use

You can check a complete implementation of this constructor by clicking here. But bellow is a more short right to the point example:

late final ShortsController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = ShortsController(
    youtubeVideoInfoService: VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel(
      channelName: 'fcbarcelona',

- By multiple channels names (example): #

Simular to VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel. Inclusive the channel name works the same as well. But instead of using only one channelName you will pass a list of channels name.

⚠️ Important: Don't use VideosSourceController.fromMultiYoutubeChannels with a list with only one channel. It will work, but it won't be most optimized. The VideosSourceController.fromYoutubeChannel is specialized and more perfomatic for displaying only one channel shorts.

You can check a complete implementation of this constructor by clicking here. But bellow is a more short right to the point example:

late final ShortsController controller;

void initState() {
  controller = ShortsController(
    youtubeVideoSourceController: VideosSourceController.fromMultiYoutubeChannels(
      channelsName: [

Shorts page use (minimal example): #

Now, we need too add the widget that shows the shorts and will use the controller we just created.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller,

Don't forget to dispose the controller after closing the page.

void dispose() {

Don't forget to check out the examples of "by url list" and "by channel name" implementations.

Showing ads in the middle of feed #

1. Add what indexes will contain ads #

If you wan't to display ads during the user slide flow. In controller, in the parametter named indexsWhereWillContainAds you can pass in what indexes you wan't to contain ads. In the example bellow, the user will see ads in the third content he scrolled down. And again in the content with index 8. After that, the user will no longer more see content.

  indexsWhereWillContainAds: [3, 8],
    channelsIds: getMockedChannelIds(),

2. Create the ads builder #

Note: It's called ads builder but you can

  controller: controller,

  /// Add this parameter:
  adsWidgetBuilder: (index, pageController) {
    return Container(
      child: Center(
        child: Text(
          style: Theme.of(context)
              ?.copyWith(color: Colors.white, fontWeight: FontWeight.w900),

Video manipulation #

Controll the current/focussed player #

You can manipulate the player of the current video that is focused (in screen). Bellow are the methods of manipulation

final ShortsController controller = ShortsController(...);

controller.playCurrentVideo(); // Will play if paused
controller.pauseCurrentVideo();  // Will pause if playing
controller.muteCurrentVideo(); // Will mute (set volume to 0)
controller.setVolume(50); // 50% of the volume (0 - 100)

Set autoplay #

final ShortsController controller = ShortsController(
  startWithAutoplay: false, // Default is true

Set if videos will be played in loop #

final ShortsController controller = ShortsController(
  videosWillBeInLoop: false, // Default is true

Player manipulation #

Disable/enable default controllers #

Some default controllers are in the player (time control, pause/play etc). Those are the media_kit default player controllers. If you wan't to desable/enable them you can controll that by boolean the variable willHaveDefaultShortsControllers. This is usefull if you wan't to implement your own controllers.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  willHaveDefaultShortsControllers: false, // No more default controllers on video.
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller,

Create a overlay above the player #

This is usefull if you want to display something like controllers or more.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller,
    overlayWidgetBuilder: (
      int index,
      PageController pageController,
      VideoController videoController,
      Video videoData,
      MuxedStreamInfo info,
    ) {
      // Example of something you may want to return (this widget bellow does not exist)
      return MyCustomDoubleTapToPauseOverlayWidget(

Set loading widget #

You can display a widget that will be shown while the video is loading.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller,
    loadingWidget: Center(
      child: MyCustomCoolLoadingIndicator(),

Set error widget #

You can display a widget that will be shown when a error occours while fetching a video. You will have a error and probably a stacktrace also (can be null).

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller, 
    errorWidget: (error, stackTrace) {
      return Center(
        child: MyCustomCoolError(error, stackTrace),

Video builder #

videoBuilder parameter is for macking a wrapper in the player. Of if you can't to have a specific controll of the videoController of each player and wan't to make a controll of it here. child parameter is the default video widget that is displayed when you don't pass a videoBuilder. You can use it or not; for example, if you wan't to build your player from scratch, you won't use the child parameter. But if you just want to make a "wrapper" above the player, use this.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return YoutubeShortsPage(
    controller: controller, 
    videoBuilder: (
      int index,
      PageController pageController,
      VideoController videoController,
      Video videoData,
      MuxedStreamInfo hostedVideoInfo,
      Widget child,
    ) {
      return Container(
        padding: EdgeInsets.all(30),
        child: child,

Made with ❤ by Igor Miranda
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A vertical youtube shorts player. Show youtube shorts videos by a list of urls or the target channel name.

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#layout #ui #youtube #webscrapping #video


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MIT (license)


collection, dart_debouncer, easy_isolate_mixin, enchanted_collection, flutter, freezed_annotation, html, http, http_parser, json_annotation, media_kit, media_kit_libs_video, media_kit_video, meta, synchronized, xml


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