world_countries 1.6.0 copy "world_countries: ^1.6.0" to clipboard
world_countries: ^1.6.0 copied to clipboard

Sealed world data in form of Flutter widgets (country, phone, currency pickers, etc.).

CodeFactor Codecov world_countries Pub points Last commit Pub popularity License: MIT Pub package


This ISO-driven and fully tested package provides information about world countries, currencies, languages, etc. in form of compile-time, tree-shakable constant sealed classes with a customizable pickers. This is Flutter wrapper on top of the sealed_countries package, that extends all the country/currency/language data, like codes, names, translations, etc. (for example different flag look) and provides ready-to use widgets for showing countries, languages, currencies lists and pickers. Country flags are created with optimized CustomPainters with a help of underling world_flags package.

Table of Contents #

Features #

This package provides the following ready-to-use widgets and classes:

  • CountryPicker - A picker widget that displays a list of world countries.
  • PhoneCodePicker - A picker widget that displays a list of phone codes.
  • CurrencyPicker - A picker widget that displays a list of fiat currencies.
  • LanguagePicker - A picker widget that displays a list of natural languages.

Or you can just create your own pickers by extending BasicPicker.

  • TypedLocaleDelegate - A locale delegate for automatic translation of pickers. Provides translations including (all GlobalMaterialLocalizations and GlobalCupertinoLocalizations locales and more).

  • PickersThemeData, FlagThemeData, CountryTileThemeData, CurrencyTileThemeData and LanguageTileThemeData are theme extensions that you can use in your ThemeData to specify global theme to your pickers, themes of your tiles (for example country flag adjustments or builders).

Demo #

To preview the demo from the example, you can visit this web page using the Chrome browser (version 119 or higher). Please allow up 10 seconds for initial fonts and data caching.

Note: Please keep in mind that demo was build with Flutter WASM which is in very early alpha stage, so performance might be affected.

Getting started #

To use this package, you will need Flutter version 3.10+. Add world_countries as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  world_countries: any

Usage #

You can use provided widgets directly, or just use their methods:

  • searchSuggestions (for use in suggestionsBuilder of SearchAnchor)
  • showInModalBottomSheet
  • showInSearch
  • showInDialog

L10N #

For automatic translations of the pickers just add delegate to your app widget:

MaterialApp(localizationsDelegates: [TypedLocaleDelegate()])

Then you can also extract this delegate data from the context via context.maybeLocale getter, in any place of your app (from a BuildContext).

Also, you can force pickers to use specific locale instead, by providing translation parameter to it (for example, translation: IsoLocale.withTranslationsCache(LangEng()), will show names in English).

Package also provides access to TypedLocale and IsoLocale classes that allows you to work with a type-safe versions of default Locale. You can also utilize them in translation() and maybeTranslation() methods (you can use with country/currency/language data).

Example #

import "dart:async" show unawaited;

import "package:flutter/material.dart";
import "package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart";
import "package:world_countries/world_countries.dart";

void main() => runApp(
        home: const MainPage(),
        theme: ThemeData(
          /// And also [CurrencyTileThemeData], [LanguageTileThemeData], [CountryTileThemeData]...
          extensions: const <ThemeExtension>[
            PickersThemeData(primary: true), // Specify global pickers theme.
                BoxDecoration(borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4))),
        localizationsDelegates: const [
            localeMapResolution: [
              /// Just as an example, Brazil could be mapped to Euro Portuguese.
                Locale("pt", "BR"),
                IsoLocale(LangPor(), country: CountryPrt()),
        supportedLocales: [
          for (final locale in kMaterialSupportedLanguages) Locale(locale),
          const Locale("pt", "PT"),
          const Locale("pt", "BR"),

class MainPage extends StatefulWidget {
  const MainPage({
    // Immutable compile time constant constructors in every picker.
    this.basicPicker = const CountryPicker(disabled: [CountryAbw()]),

  final CountryPicker basicPicker;

  State<MainPage> createState() => _MainPageState();

class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  /// Highly customizable, for example use itemBuilder param. for custom tiles.
  late CountryPicker picker = widget.basicPicker.copyWith(onSelect: onSelect);

  void onSelect(WorldCountry newCountry) {
    debugPrint("New country selected: $selectedCountry");
      () => picker = picker.copyWith(
        // A copyWith methods in every picker.
        chosen: selectedCountry == newCountry ? const [] : [newCountry],

  void onFabPressed({bool isLongPress = false}) {
    /// Or for example: [LanguagePicker], [CurrencyPicker].
    final phonePicker = PhoneCodePicker.fromCountryPicker(picker);
          ? phonePicker.showInDialog(context)
          : phonePicker.showInModalBottomSheet(context),

  void onAppBarSearchLongPressed() => unawaited(picker.showInSearch(context));

  WorldCountry? get selectedCountry => picker.chosen?.firstOrNull;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          actions: [
              isFullScreen: false,
                  const BoxConstraints(minWidth: 220, maxWidth: 320),
              builder: (_, controller) => GestureDetector(
                onLongPress: onAppBarSearchLongPressed,
                child: IconButton(
                  onPressed: controller.openView,
                  icon: const Icon(,
              suggestionsBuilder: picker.searchSuggestions,
        body: Center(
          child: MaybeWidget(
            orElse: const Text(
              "Please select country by pressing on the search icon",
        floatingActionButton: GestureDetector(
          onLongPress: () => onFabPressed(isLongPress: true),
          child: FloatingActionButton(
            onPressed: onFabPressed,
            child: const Icon(,

For more usage examples, please see the /example folder.

Data #

Pickers are providing a lot of info about the countries/languages/currencies:

Additional information #

For more information on using this package, check out the API documentation. If you have any issues or suggestions for the package, please file them in the GitHub repository. PRs or ideas are always welcome. If you like this package, please give it a star or like.

References and credits #

This package is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. This package dependencies are under their respective licenses (that can be found in their respective folders under LICENSE and NOTICE files).

Attributions #

The color emoji flags fonts used in this package were obtained from open-source repositories of the original creators. The fonts are redistributed under the terms of the licenses offered by the original authors. The fonts sizes were reduced, by removing non-flag glyphs, to reduce the package size and to reduce the copyright footprint, since most of the country flags are in Public Domain. No modifications in graphic itself were made.

Noto Emoji fonts

The Noto Emoji font font comes from Noto Emoji emoji library. Noto Emoji fonts are under the SIL Open Font License, version 1.1.

OpenMoji fonts

The OpenMoji font comes from OpenMoji project and redistributed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license terms.

Twemoji fonts

The Twemoji font in COLR/CPAL layered format font comes from Twemoji-COLR project (Mozilla's COLR/CPAL version of Twemoji). Twemoji graphics made by Twitter and other contributors and is used and redistributed under the CC-BY-4.0 license terms offered by the Twemoji project.


I have problems rendering COLR emoji flags on Android

Answer: Android OS supports COLRv1 fonts from version 13 on (API level 33).

My flags on web platform are grey (not colored)

Answer: Please add useColorEmoji: true parameter to your engineInitializer.initializeEngine method (index.html).

Looks like tree shaking of unused emoji flags is not working on web

Answer: Yes it's know Flutter's issue. Although all font families together are not that big, every single KB might be crucial for a web-page loading times. Run this from your project's root directory:

dart run world_countries:clean_build [--keep twemoji,notoemoji,openmoji]

You can specify which emoji family you want to keep with the optional --keep parameter.

I don't like default tiles UI in the pickers

Answer: Every picker has a itemBuilder parameter, providing access to specific list item properties, for example this is how you can show only a common country name in CountryPicker:

  itemBuilder: (country, {isDense}) => Text(,

How can I change emoji flag from default Twemoji to something else?

Answer: You can create your own itemBuilder with use of EmojiFlag widget that has multiple named constructors and only require country instance, to show different type of flag:

  itemBuilder: (country, {isDense}) => EmojiFlag.platformDefault(country.item),

Why should I use this package over any other country/currency/language picker package?

  • Sealed classes: This package provides data in the form of sealed classes, allowing you to create your own instances and work with them as with existing ones (for example this is not possible with enums or regular classes (without losing it's sealed nature), you can also override existing or add new data, etc.).
  • No 3rd-party dependencies: This package has no third-party dependencies, ensuring that you won't have any issues or conflicts with other dependencies (no even meta here, because of that).
  • Rich data: This package offers far more data than any other package + tons of translations (all GlobalMaterialLocalizations and GlobalCupertinoLocalizations locales and more).
  • Type-safe: The contracts and types in this package are very strong, ensuring that your code is strongly typed and well-defined.
  • High code coverage: The code in this package has almost 100% code coverage, with more than 130 (+3140 in underling Dart packages) tests, providing confidence in its reliability and stability.
  • Industry adopted: This package is actively used in production by numerous European companies, ensuring its efficacy and robustness in real-world scenarios.
  • MIT License: This package and sources are released under the MIT license, which is a permissive license that allows users to use, modify, and distribute the code with minimal restrictions. The MIT license is considered better than most other open-source licenses because it provides flexibility and allows users to incorporate the code into their projects without worrying about legal implications.
pub points



Sealed world data in form of Flutter widgets (country, phone, currency pickers, etc.).

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#picker #sealed #country-picker #country-selector #currency-picker


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, world_flags


Packages that depend on world_countries