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Provides data for world currencies in the form of sealed classes.

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This ISO-driven, pure Dart, fully tested and 3rd-party dependency-free package provides information about world currencies in the form of compile-time, tree-shakable constant sealed classes. Contains the all actively used 1691 currencies with ISO letter 4217 codes, also provides ISO 4217 numeric codes, their English, native names, units, subunits, currency name translations, etc. For Flutter ready widgets (like currency picker) please use world_countries package.

Features #

FiatCurrency class provides the following information about currencies:

Field Required Description Example for FiatEur
code Yes The international 3-numeric non-empty letter code as defined by the ISO 4217 standard. "EUR"
name Yes The English name of the currency. "Euro"
namesNative Yes The native names of the currency in different locales. ["Euro"]
codeNumeric Yes The international 3-numeric non-empty numeric code as defined by the ISO 4217 standard. "978"
alternateSymbols No Alternative symbols for this currency or null if no such symbols exists. null
disambiguateSymbol No Alternative currency used if symbol is ambiguous, or null if no such symbol exists. null
htmlEntity No The HTML entity for the currency symbol, or null if no such entity exists. "€"
smallestDenomination Yes Smallest amount of cash possible (in the subunit of this currency). 1
subunit No The name of the fractional monetary unit, or null if no such name exists. "Cent"
subunitToUnit Yes The proportion between the unit and the subunit. 100
priority Yes A numerical value that can be used to sort/group any currency list. 2
unitFirst Yes Should the currency symbol precede the amount, or should it come after? true
symbol No The currency symbol. "€"
decimalMark Yes The decimal mark, or character used to separate the whole unit from the subunit. ","
thousandsSeparator Yes The character used to separate thousands grouping of the whole unit. "."
translations Yes A list of TranslatedNames representing the currency name translations. 115+ translations for a Euro currency name

Compile time constant list of all currencies accessible via FiatCurrency.list and more over, the FiatCurrency class provides the following methods/constructors:

  • permissive - allows the creation of custom class instances that are not fully compatible with the ISO standard.
  • maybeFromValue - returns a currency instance if the value matches the provided value, otherwise returns null.
  • maybeFromAnyCode - returns a currency instance if the value matches any ISO 4217 code, otherwise returns null.
  • maybeFromCodeNumeric - returns a currency instance if the value matches the provided ISO 4217 numeric code, otherwise returns null.
  • maybeFromCode - returns a currency instance if the value matches the provided ISO 4217 letter code, otherwise returns null.
  • fromCode - returns a currency instance if the value matches the provided ISO 4217 letter code.
  • fromCodeNumeric - returns a currency instance if the value matches the provided ISO 4217 numeric code.
  • fromAnyCode - returns a currency instance if the value matches any ISO 4217 code.
  • fromName - returns a currency instance if the value matches the provided English name.

and (thanks to sealed nature of the class) functional-style like methods: whenOrNull, maybeWhen, when, map, maybeMap and is* boolean getters. You can also find a lot of common method you may know from Dart ecosystem - toString overrides, copyWith, toJson, etc. Also a compile time const, tree-shakable, case case insensitive code maps (for a 0(1) access time code mapping), list and much more.

Translations: Use maybeTranslation() or translation() methods to get translations for specific locale.

Getting started #

To use this package, add sealed_currencies as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  sealed_currencies: any

Then import the package in your Dart code:

import 'package:sealed_currencies/sealed_currencies.dart';

Usage #

Use FiatCurrency class to get information about currencies. Either construct a new instance directly, or with use of the class factory constructors/static methods or select one from the FiatCurrency.list constant.

  print(FiatCurrency.listExtended.length); // Prints: "169".
  print(FiatCurrency.list.length); // Prints: "159".

  final serbianDinar = FiatCurrency.fromCode("Rsd");
  print(serbianDinar); // Prints: "Serbian Dinar".

  final maybeEuro = FiatCurrency.maybeFromValue(
    where: (currency) => currency.namesNative.first,
  print(maybeEuro?.isEur); // Prints: true.
  print(maybeEuro?.toString(short: false));
  Prints: "FiatCurrency(code: "EUR", name: "Euro", decimalMark: ",",
  thousandsSeparator: ".", symbol: r"€", htmlEntity: "€", codeNumeric: "978",
  namesNative: ["Euro"], priority: 2, smallestDenomination: 1, subunit: "Cent",
  subunitToUnit: 100, unitFirst: true), translations: eurCurrencyTranslations".

  // Prints German translations of all available regular currencies.
  for (final currency in FiatCurrency.list) {
      "German name of ${}: "
      "${currency.maybeTranslation(const BasicLocale(LangDeu()))?.name}",

For more usage examples, please see the /example folder.


  • Sealed classes: This package provides data in the form of sealed classes, allowing you to create your own instances and work with them as with existing ones (for example this is not possible with enums or regular classes (without losing it's sealed nature), you can also override existing or add new data, etc.).
  • No 3rd-party dependencies: This package has no third-party dependencies, ensuring that you won't have any issues or conflicts with other dependencies (no even meta here, because of that).
  • Rich data: This package offers far more data than any other package + tons of translations (all GlobalMaterialLocalizations and GlobalCupertinoLocalizations locales and more).
  • Type-safe: The contracts and types in this package are exceptionally strong, ensuring that your code is strongly typed and well-defined.
  • High code coverage: The code in this package has 100% code coverage, with more than 583 (+1534 in underlying packages) tests, providing confidence in its reliability and stability.
  • Comprehensive documentation: This package provides full documentation for every non-code generated public member, usually with examples, ensuring clarity and ease of use.
  • Industry adopted: This package is actively used in production by numerous European companies, ensuring its efficacy and robustness in real-world scenarios.
  • MIT license: This package and sources are released under the MIT license, which is a permissive license that allows users to use, modify, and distribute the code with minimal restrictions. The MIT license is considered better than most other open-source licenses because it provides flexibility and allows users to incorporate the code into their projects without worrying about legal implications.

Additional information #

If you like this package, please give it a star or like. For more information on using this package, check out the API documentation. PRs or ideas are always welcome. If you have any issues or suggestions for the package, please file them in the GitHub repository.

References, credits and sources #




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Provides data for world currencies in the form of sealed classes.

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#currencies #currency #money #iso-4217 #iso


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MIT (license)




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