web3modal_flutter 3.0.0 copy "web3modal_flutter: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
web3modal_flutter: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard

WalletConnect Web3Modal: Simple, intuitive wallet login. With this drop-in UI SDK, enable any wallet's users to seamlessly log in to your app and enjoy a unified experience


WalletConnect Web3Modal #

WalletConnect Web3Modal implementation for Flutter
Simple, intuitive wallet login. With this drop-in UI SDK, enable any wallet's users to seamlessly log in to your app and enjoy a smooth, unified experience.

Documentation #

For a full reference please check the Official Documentation

Example #

Please check the example folder for the example.

Run the example app #

$ cd example then
$ flutter run --dart-define=PROJECT_ID={YOUR_PROJECT_ID}

Useful Commands #

If you are cloning this repo do the following inside the root folder

$ flutter pub get to get dependencies

$ dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs to generate files

do the same inside example folder

pub points


verified publisherwalletconnect.com

WalletConnect Web3Modal: Simple, intuitive wallet login. With this drop-in UI SDK, enable any wallet's users to seamlessly log in to your app and enjoy a unified experience

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


appcheck, cached_network_image, collection, cupertino_icons, custom_sliding_segmented_control, event, flutter, flutter_svg, freezed_annotation, http, json_annotation, logger, mockito, qr_flutter_wc, shared_preferences, shimmer, universal_io, url_launcher, walletconnect_flutter_v2, web3dart


Packages that depend on web3modal_flutter