web3modal_flutter 3.3.4
web3modal_flutter: ^3.3.4 copied to clipboard
WalletConnect Web3Modal: Simple, intuitive wallet login. With this drop-in UI SDK, enable any wallet's users to seamlessly log in to your app and enjoy a unified experience
This package is no longer maintened, please upgrade to reown_appkit. #
- Read more at: https://docs.reown.com/advanced/walletconnect-deprecations#flutter
- AppKit Updgrade guide: https://docs.reown.com/appkit/upgrade/from-web3modal-flutter
WalletConnect's official AppKit SDK for Flutter #
The all-in-one stack to build apps for the new internet
With a layered feature stack spanning onboarding to payments, messaging and more, AppKit enables apps to build powerful top-to-bottom web3 experiences made to last, all through one seamless integration.
Read more about it on our website

Documentation #
For a full reference please check the Official Documentation
Example #
Please check the example folder for the example.
Run the example app #
$ cd example
$ flutter run --dart-define=PROJECT_ID={YOUR_PROJECT_ID}
Useful Commands #
If you are cloning this repo do the following inside the root folder
$ flutter pub get
to get dependencies
$ dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
to generate files
do the same inside example