vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity 1.5.0 copy "vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity: ^1.5.0" to clipboard
vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity: ^1.5.0 copied to clipboard

A Content Provider for the Vyuh Framework that reads documents from Sanity.io.

Vyuh Content Provider for Sanity #

This is a Content Provider for Sanity, as part of the Vyuh Framework. It allows you to fetch content from Sanity.io and use it in your Vyuh application.

Features #

  • Fetch single or multiple documents from Sanity.io
  • Fetch the Route as per the Vyuh framework schema
  • Fetch image, file, and other assets from Sanity.io
  • Relies on the sanity_client package to make the network connection

Usage #

import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vc;
import 'package:sanity_client/sanity_client.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity/vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity.dart';

final contentProvider = SanityContentProvider.withConfig(
  config: SanityConfig(
    projectId: '<project-id>',
    dataset: 'production',
    perspective: Perspective.previewDrafts,
    useCdn: false,
    token: '<your-token',
  cacheDuration: const Duration(seconds: 5),

void main() async {

    features: () => [
      // all your features here
    plugins: [
      // other plugins
    // other configurations