vyuh_core 1.42.1
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The core library for the Vyuh framework which contains the base types and runtime.
Vyuh Framework
Build Modular, Scalable, CMS-driven Flutter Apps
Vyuh Core 🚀 #
The core library for the Vyuh framework, providing essential building blocks and runtime functionality for building modular, scalable, CMS-driven Flutter applications. This package is the foundation of the Vyuh ecosystem, offering a robust plugin architecture, modular features, and an optional CMS-driven UI via the extension mechanism.
Features ✨ #
- Feature-based Architecture 🏗️: Build modular applications by breaking them into independent features, each encapsulating its own routes, UI, and business logic. Compose your app by assembling these features together.
- Plugin Architecture 🔌: Extensible plugin system for features like navigation, networking, telemetry, and content management
- Content Management 📝: Modular content provider system for handling different content types. Default support is for Sanity.io CMS. The Provider interface can also be used to add support for other CMS integrations.
- Navigation 🧭: Advanced routing capabilities using Go Router
- State Management 💫: Integrated MobX for reactive state management. You are also free to use your own State Management solution.
- Networking 🌐: Flexible HTTP client with retry capabilities
- Telemetry 📊: Configurable telemetry system for logging and error tracking
- Analytics 📊: Built-in analytics system for tracking user interactions and app usage
- Dependency Injection 💉: Simple yet powerful DI system for managing dependencies
- Event System 📡: Pub/sub event system for decoupled communication
- Storage 💾: Persistent storage capabilities for local data
- Environment Variables 🔧: Flexible configuration system for managing environment-specific settings
- Platform Widgets 🎨: Customizable widgets for common UI patterns like loaders and error views
Installation 📦 #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
vyuh_core: any
Usage 💡 #
Basic App Setup #
The entry point of your Vyuh application. Here you configure the initial route, register your features, and set up any custom plugins. Features are assembled as an array, making it easy to add or remove functionality.
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vyuh;
void main() {
initialLocation: '/',
plugins: _getPlugins(),
features: () => [
// Your features here
Feature Definition #
Features are the building blocks of your application. Each feature is self-contained with its own routes, UI components, and business logic. Features can be developed and tested independently, then composed together to create the full application.
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart';
final feature = FeatureDescriptor(
name: 'feature_name',
title: 'Feature Title',
description: 'Feature description',
icon: Icons.feature_icon,
routes: () async {
return [
path: '/feature-path',
builder: (context, state) {
return const FeatureWidget();
Plugin Configuration #
Plugins extend the core functionality of your app. The plugin system is flexible and allows you to configure various aspects like content management, environment variables, and telemetry. You can also create custom plugins for specific needs.
Plugins are described with the PluginDescriptor
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vyuh;
PluginDescriptor _getPlugins() {
// Enable URL reflection for navigation (optional)
return PluginDescriptor(
// Configure content plugin
content: vyuh.DefaultContentPlugin(
provider: yourContentProvider,
// Configure environment plugin
env: vyuh.DefaultEnvPlugin(),
// Configure telemetry
telemetry: vyuh.TelemetryPlugin(
providers: [vyuh.ConsoleLoggerTelemetryProvider()],
Custom Content Types 📝 #
A Content type represents a specific type of content that can be managed by the content management system. You can create custom content types and layouts for your app.
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_extension_content/vyuh_extension_content.dart';
part 'my_card.g.dart';
final class MyCard extends ContentItem {
static const schemaName = 'myCard';
static final typeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor(
schemaType: schemaName,
title: 'My Card',
fromJson: MyCard.fromJson,
static final contentBuilder = ContentBuilder(
content: typeDescriptor,
defaultLayout: CustomCardLayout(),
defaultLayoutDescriptor: CustomCardLayout.typeDescriptor,
final String title;
final ImageReference? image;
final String description;
final List<Action> actions;
required super.id,
required this.title,
required this.description,
this.actions = const [],
}) : super(schemaType: schemaName);
factory MyCard.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MyCardFromJson(json);
Custom Content Layout 🎨 #
Layouts are used to configure the visual layout of a content item. You can have a default layout and also create custom layouts for your content types.
final class CustomCardLayout extends LayoutConfiguration<MyCard> {
static const schemaName = '${MyCard.schemaName}.layout.custom';
static final typeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor(
schemaType: schemaName,
title: 'Custom Layout',
fromJson: CustomCardLayout.fromJson,
CustomCardLayout() : super(schemaType: schemaName);
Widget build(BuildContext context, MyCard content) {
return Card(
child: Column(
children: [
ContentImage(ref: content.image),
Analytics 📊 #
Track events and user interactions using the analytics plugin:
// Get analytics plugin
final analytics = vyuh.di.get<AnalyticsPlugin>();
// Track a simple event
// Track event with parameters
params: {
'button_id': 'submit',
'screen': 'checkout',
// Configure multiple providers
final analyticsPlugin = AnalyticsPlugin(
providers: [
Navigation 🧭 #
Vyuh provides a simple yet powerful navigation system built on top of GoRouter.
The router is globally accessible through vyuh.router
, making it easy to
navigate between routes from anywhere in your app.
For more information about GoRouter, visit the pub package.
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vyuh;
// Navigate to a route
// Navigate with named route
pathParameters: {'id': '123'},
queryParameters: {'filter': 'active'},
// Go to a route (replaces current route)
// Go back
State Management with MobX 💫 #
Vyuh comes with built-in support for MobX, providing reactive state management out of the box. MobX's simple yet powerful approach makes it easy to manage application state with minimal boilerplate.
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mobx/flutter_mobx.dart';
// Create observable value
final counter = 0.obs();
// Use in widget with Observer
children: [
builder: (_) => Text('${counter.value}'),
icon: Icon(Icons.add),
onPressed: () => runInAction(() => counter.value++),
Dependency Injection 💉 #
A simple yet powerful dependency injection system for managing your app's dependencies.
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vyuh;
// Register a dependency
vyuh.di.register<MyService>(() => MyServiceImpl());
// Get an instance
final service = vyuh.di.get<MyService>();
Event System 📡 #
Use the event system for decoupled communication between different parts of your app.
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vyuh;
// Subscribe to events
vyuh.events.on<UserLoggedIn>((event) {
// Handle event
// Publish events
vyuh.events.emit(UserLoggedIn(userId: '123'));
Storage 💾 #
Persist data locally using the storage plugin.
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vyuh;
// Store data
await vyuh.storage.set('key', 'value');
// Retrieve data
final value = await vyuh.storage.get('key');
Environment Variables 🔧 #
Manage environment-specific configuration with the env plugin.
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vyuh;
// Access environment variables
final apiKey = vyuh.env.get('API_KEY');
final isDev = vyuh.env.get('IS_DEV', defaultValue: false);
Platform Widgets 🎨 #
Customize the app's root widget and other platform-specific UI components. The
provides default implementations that you can
customize using copyWith
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vyuh;
import 'package:flutter_mobx/flutter_mobx.dart';
// Customize the root app widget
appBuilder: (platform) {
return Observer(
builder: (_) {
return MaterialApp.router(
title: 'Your App',
theme: YourTheme.light,
darkTheme: YourTheme.dark,
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
routerConfig: platform.router.instance,
// Custom app loader shown during initial app load
appLoader: (context) {
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
// Custom content loader shown when loading content
contentLoader: (context) {
return const Center(
child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
// Custom route loader shown during route transitions
routeLoader: (context, color) {
return DefaultRouteLoader(
progressColor: color,
// Custom error view for route errors
routeErrorView: (context, error) {
return Center(
child: Text('Route Error: $error'),
// Custom error view for general errors
errorView: (context, error) {
return Center(
child: Text('Error: $error'),
// Custom image placeholder
imagePlaceholder: (context) {
return const Center(
child: Icon(Icons.image),
// ... other configurations
The platform widget builder allows you to customize:
: The root app widget (typically MaterialApp.router)appLoader
: Shown during initial app loadcontentLoader
: Shown when loading contentrouteLoader
: Shown during route transitionsrouteErrorView
: Shown when a route fails to loaderrorView
: Shown for general errorsimagePlaceholder
: Default placeholder for images
Each of these has a default implementation that you can override as needed.
Learn More 📚 #
- Visit docs.vyuh.tech for detailed documentation
- Check out the GitHub repository for source code
- Report issues on the issue tracker
Made with ❤️ by Vyuh