vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity 1.12.1
vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity: ^1.12.1 copied to clipboard
A Content Provider for the Vyuh Framework that reads documents from Sanity.io.
Vyuh Framework
Build Modular, Scalable, CMS-driven Flutter Apps
Vyuh Content Provider for Sanity 🔌 #
A powerful content provider plugin that seamlessly integrates Sanity.io with the Vyuh framework. This plugin enables your Vyuh application to fetch, cache, and manage content from Sanity.io with minimal configuration.
Features ✨ #
Content Management
- Fetch single or multiple documents
- Support for all Sanity content types
- Automatic content type mapping
- Built-in caching with configurable duration
Asset Support
- Image assets with transformations
- File assets with metadata
- Reference handling
- Asset caching
Routing Integration
- Automatic route generation from content
- Support for Vyuh framework schema
- Dynamic route parameters
- Nested route handling
- Efficient content caching
- CDN support
- Optimized network requests
- Parallel content fetching
Installation 📦 #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity: ^1.0.0
Usage 💡 #
Basic Setup #
Create and configure the Sanity content provider:
import 'package:vyuh_core/vyuh_core.dart' as vc;
import 'package:sanity_client/sanity_client.dart';
import 'package:vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity/vyuh_plugin_content_provider_sanity.dart';
final contentProvider = SanityContentProvider.withConfig(
config: SanityConfig(
projectId: '<project-id>',
dataset: 'production',
perspective: Perspective.published, // or previewDrafts for draft content
useCdn: true, // enable CDN for better performance
cacheDuration: const Duration(minutes: 5),
void main() async {
features: () => [
// your features here
plugins: [
// other plugins
Fetching Content #
// Fetch a single document
final post = await contentProvider.fetchSingle<Post>(
'*[_type == "post" && _id == $id][0]',
fromJson: Post.fromJson,
queryParams: {'id': 'post-123'},
// Fetch multiple documents
final posts = await contentProvider.fetchMultiple<Post>(
'*[_type == "post" && category == $category]',
fromJson: Post.fromJson,
queryParams: {'category': 'tech'},
// Fetch by ID
final author = await contentProvider.fetchById<Author>(
fromJson: Author.fromJson,
Working with Assets #
// Get an ImageProvider for use in Image widget
final imageProvider = contentProvider.image(
asset: Asset(ref: 'image-Tb9Ew8CXIwaY6R1kjMvI0uRR-2000x3000-jpg'),
width: 800,
height: 600,
devicePixelRatio: 2,
quality: 80,
format: 'webp',
// Use in an Image widget
if (imageProvider != null) {
Image(image: imageProvider)
// Get a file URL
final fileUrl = contentProvider.fileUrl(fileRef);
Route Handling #
// Fetch route by path
final route = await contentProvider.fetchRoute(
path: '/blog/my-post',
// Fetch route by ID
final route = await contentProvider.fetchRoute(
routeId: 'route-123',
if (route != null) {
// Handle route content
Live Query Integration [NEW ✨] #
now includes support for the LiveContentProvider
It offers real-time updates for your Sanity content, allowing your app to stay
in sync with your dataset.
The API is almost identical with the standard
, barring the fact that the live API returns aStream<T?>
instead of aFuture<T?>
Here are examples of how to use the live query methods:
// Create a LiveProvider instance
final liveProvider = SanityContentProvider(
projectId: 'your-project-id',
dataset: 'your-dataset',
useCdn: true,
perspective: 'published',
).live; // Notice the call to get the LiveContentProvider instance
// Fetch real-time updates for a single document
final singleStream = liveProvider.fetchSingle<Post>(
'*[_type == "post" && _id == $id][0]',
fromJson: Post.fromJson,
queryParams: {'id': 'post-123'},
singleStream.listen((post) {
// Handle updated post
// Fetch real-time updates for multiple documents
final multipleStream = liveProvider.fetchMultiple<Post>(
'*[_type == "post" && category == $category]',
fromJson: Post.fromJson,
queryParams: {'category': 'tech'},
multipleStream.listen((posts) {
// Handle updated list of posts
// Fetch real-time updates by ID
final idStream = liveProvider.fetchById<Author>(
fromJson: Author.fromJson,
idStream.listen((author) {
// Handle updated author
// Use StreamBuilder in your widget tree
stream: singleStream,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return Text(snapshot.data!.title);
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');
return CircularProgressIndicator();
Configuration 🔧 #
The content provider can be configured with various options:
final provider = SanityContentProvider.withConfig(
config: SanityConfig(
projectId: '<project-id>',
dataset: 'production',
// Content delivery options
useCdn: true, // Use CDN for better performance
perspective: Perspective.published, // Content perspective
// Cache configuration
cacheDuration: Duration(minutes: 5),
// Optional authentication
token: '<your-token>', // For accessing private datasets
// Additional options
debug: true, // Enable debug logging
retryOptions: RetryOptions( // Configure retry behavior
maxAttempts: 3,
delayFactor: Duration(seconds: 1),
Error Handling 🚨 #
The provider includes proper error handling for various scenarios:
try {
final post = await contentProvider.fetchSingle<Post>(
'*[_type == "post" && _id == $id][0]',
fromJson: Post.fromJson,
queryParams: {'id': 'post-123'},
// Handle post
} on InvalidResultTypeException catch (e) {
print('Type mismatch: Expected ${e.expectedType}, got ${e.actualType}');
} on SanityError catch (e) {
print('Sanity API error: ${e.message}');
} on Exception catch (e) {
print('Unexpected error: $e');
// When fetching route
try {
final route = await contentProvider.fetchRoute(path: '/blog/my-post');
if (route == null) {
print('Route not found');
// Handle route
} on SanityError catch (e) {
print('Error fetching route: ${e.message}');
Contributing 🤝 #
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Learn More 📚 #
- Visit docs.vyuh.tech for detailed documentation
- Check out the GitHub repository for source code
- Report issues on the issue tracker
- Learn more about Sanity.io
Made with ❤️ by Vyuh