sanity_client 1.8.4
sanity_client: ^1.8.4 copied to clipboard
Native Dart client to run GROQ queries and fetch documents from
Sanity Client 🔌 #
A powerful Dart client for connecting to projects and executing GROQ queries. This package provides a type-safe and efficient way to interact with Sanity's HTTP API, making it easy to fetch and manage content in your Dart and Flutter applications.
Features ✨ #
- GROQ Support: Execute powerful GROQ queries with full type safety
- HTTP API Support:
- Complete support for Sanity's HTTP API parameters
- Configurable API versions
- Published/Draft content perspectives
- Query explanations for debugging
- CDN support for better performance
- Live Fetch
- Supports fetching live data in published and draft modes
- Supports automatic reconnects
- Asset Handling️:
- Flexible image URL builders
- Support for external image services (Cloudinary, ImageKit)
- File asset management
- Type Safety:
- Strong typing for queries and responses
- Proper error handling and validation
- Null safety support
Installation 📦 #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
sanity_client: ^1.0.0
Usage 💡 #
Basic Setup #
Create a SanityClient instance with your project configuration:
import 'package:sanity_client/sanity_client.dart';
final client = SanityClient(
projectId: 'your_project_id',
dataset: 'your_dataset',
apiVersion: 'v2024-02-16',
useCdn: true,
Executing Queries #
Run GROQ queries to fetch your content:
// Simple query
final movies = await client.fetch('''
*[_type == "movie"] {
"director": crewMembers[job == "Director"][0].person->name
// Query with parameters
final recentMovies = await client.fetch('''
*[_type == "movie" && releaseDate >= \$fromDate] {
"poster": poster.asset->url
''', params: {
'fromDate': '2024-01-01',
Fetching Live updates #
var query = '''
*[_type == "vyuh.document" && identifier.current == "hello-world"][0]
// Fetch live from the CDN
final stream = client.fetchLive(query);
// OR Fetch live from the API CDN for drafts
final stream = client.fetchLive(query, includeDrafts: true);
await for (var response in stream) {
final json = response.result;
// ignore: avoid_print
Image URL Building #
Generate image URLs with transformations:
final imageUrl = client.imageUrl(
options: ImageUrlOptions(
width: 800,
height: 600,
fit: ImageFit.crop,
Custom Image Service (Optional and only indicative) #
Use external image services:
// Using Cloudinary
final client = SanityClient(
projectId: 'your_project_id',
dataset: 'your_dataset',
// Using Cloudinary
urlBuilder: CloudinaryUrlBuilder(
cloudName: 'your-cloud-name',
Configuration 🔧 #
The SanityConfig
class supports various options:
final config = SanityConfig(
projectId: 'your_project_id',
dataset: 'your_dataset',
// Authentication (optional)
token: 'your_token', // For accessing private datasets
// Content delivery options
useCdn: true, // Use CDN for better performance
perspective: Perspective.published, // switching perspectives for query execution
// API options
apiVersion: 'v2024-02-16',
explainQuery: false, // Get query explanations for debugging
Error Handling 🚨 #
The client provides proper error handling:
try {
final result = await client.fetch(query);
// Handle success
} on SanityException catch (e) {
// Handle Sanity-specific errors
print('Sanity error: $e');
} catch (e) {
// Handle other errors
print('Error: $e');
Contributing 🤝 #
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Learn More 📚 #
- Visit for detailed documentation
- Learn more about
Made with ❤️ by Vyuh