vyuh_feature_system 1.38.2
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Provides the essential building blocks for a CMS-driven UI
Vyuh Framework
Build Modular, Scalable, CMS-driven Flutter Apps
Vyuh Feature System 🔧 #
The system feature package for Vyuh framework, providing essential content types, actions, conditions, and services for building CMS-driven Flutter applications.
Features ✨ #
Content Types 📝 #
Routes 🧭
Page Routes: Full-screen pages with various layouts
- Default page layout with app bar and body
- Tabs layout for sectioned content
- Single item layout for focused content
- Conditional layout for dynamic routing
Dialog Routes: Modal dialogs with customizable content
- Default dialog layout
- Custom dialog layouts
Cards 🎴
- Default Card: Standard card layout with title, content, and actions
- List Item Card: Compact layout for list views
- Button Card: Interactive card with action triggers
- Conditional Card: Dynamic layout based on conditions
Groups 📦
Carousel: Horizontal scrolling group of items
- Auto-play support
- Navigation controls
- Custom transitions
Grid: Responsive grid layout
- Configurable columns
- Responsive breakpoints
- Custom item spacing
List: Vertical list of items
- Configurable spacing
- Dividers support
- Custom item layouts
Other Items 🔧
- Portable Text: Rich text content with custom marks
- Action invocation marks
- Link marks with custom styling
- Custom block styles
- Empty: Empty content placeholder
- Unknown: Fallback for unknown content types
- Conditional: Content based on conditions
Each content type can be extended with custom layouts by implementing
and registering the layout in your feature descriptor.
Actions 🎯 #
The system feature provides several built-in actions for navigation, UI control, and system operations:
Navigation Actions 🧭
- NavigateAction: Navigate to a new route with optional query parameters
- NavigateBackAction: Return to the previous route in history
- NavigateReplaceAction: Replace current route with a new one
- OpenUrlAction: Open external URLs in browser or app
UI Actions 🎨
- AlertAction: Display snackbar messages with different types (success, error, info)
- DrawerAction: Show or hide the navigation drawer
- OpenInDialogAction: Display content in a modal dialog
- ToggleThemeAction: Switch between light and dark themes
System Actions ⚙️
- DelayAction: Add a timed delay between action executions
- RouteRefreshAction: Refresh the current route's content
- RestartAction: Restart the entire application
Conditions 🔄 #
- Boolean: Simple boolean conditions
- Feature Flag: Toggle features based on conditions
- Screen Size: Responsive layouts based on screen size
- Current Platform: Platform-specific content
- Theme Mode: Theme-based content
- User Authentication: Content based on auth state
Content Modifiers #
Content modifiers allow you to transform content before rendering:
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' as system;
// Apply theme-based modifications
light: LightContent(),
dark: DarkContent(),
API Handlers #
Configure API content handling:
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' as system;
final apiConfig = JsonPathApiConfiguration(
baseUrl: 'https://api.example.com',
paths: {
'products': '$.items[*]',
'categories': '$.categories[*]',
Services 🛠️ #
Breakpoint Service
Handle responsive layouts:
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' as system;
final breakpointService = vyuh.di.get<system.BreakpointService>();
builder: (_) {
if (breakpointService.isMobile) {
return MobileLayout();
if (breakpointService.isTablet) {
return TabletLayout();
return DesktopLayout();
// Custom breakpoints
mobile: 480,
tablet: 768,
desktop: 1024,
Theme Service
Manage app theme and mode:
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' as system;
// Get theme service
final themeService = vyuh.di.get<system.ThemeService>();
// Toggle theme
// Observe current theme mode
builder: (_) {
final mode = themeService.currentMode.value;
return Text('Current theme: $mode');
Content Extensions #
Register content types and builders:
import 'package:vyuh_feature_system/vyuh_feature_system.dart' as system;
final feature = FeatureDescriptor(
name: 'my_feature',
extensions: [
contents: [
// Your content descriptors
contentBuilders: [
contentModifiers: [
System Routes #
The system feature provides built-in routes:
Error Route
- Path:
- Purpose: Displays system errors with stack trace
- Usage: Automatically used by the framework for error handling
Navigation Route
- Path:
- Purpose: Handles external navigation (URLs, deep links)
- Usage: Automatically used by navigation actions
These routes are registered automatically when using the system feature and provide consistent error handling and navigation behavior across your app.
Installation 📦 #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
vyuh_feature_system: any
Learn More 📚 #
- Visit docs.vyuh.tech for detailed documentation
- Check out the GitHub repository for source code
- Report issues on the issue tracker
Made with ❤️ by Vyuh