very_good_analysis 7.0.0 copy "very_good_analysis: ^7.0.0" to clipboard
very_good_analysis: ^7.0.0 copied to clipboard

Lint rules for Dart and Flutter used internally at Very Good Ventures.

Very Good Analysis #

Very Good Ventures Very Good Ventures

Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄

ci pub package License: MIT style: very good analysis

This package provides lint rules for Dart and Flutter which are used at Very Good Ventures. For more information, see the complete list of options.

Note: This package was heavily inspired by pedantic.

Usage #

To use the lints, add as a dev dependency in your pubspec.yaml:

dart pub add dev:very_good_analysis
# or
flutter pub add dev:very_good_analysis
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Then, add an include in analysis_options.yaml:

include: package:very_good_analysis/analysis_options.yaml
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This will ensure you always use the latest version of the lints. If you wish to restrict the lint version, specify a version of analysis_options.yaml instead:

include: package:very_good_analysis/analysis_options.7.0.0.yaml
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Suppressing Lints #

There may be cases where specific lint rules are undesirable. Lint rules can be suppressed at the line, file, or project level.

An example use case for suppressing lint rules at the file level is suppressing the prefer_const_constructors in order to achieve 100% code coverage. This is due to the fact that const constructors are executed before the tests are run, resulting in no coverage collection.

Line Level #

To suppress a specific lint rule for a specific line of code, use an ignore comment directly above the line:

// ignore: public_member_api_docs
class A {}
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File Level #

To suppress a specific lint rule of a specific file, use an ignore_for_file comment at the top of the file:

// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs

class A {}

class B {}
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Project Level #

To suppress a specific lint rule for an entire project, modify analysis_options.yaml:

include: package:very_good_analysis/analysis_options.yaml
    public_member_api_docs: false
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Badge #

To indicate your project is using very_good_analysisstyle: very good analysis

[![style: very good analysis](](
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Excluded rules #

Below is a list of rules that are not enabled by default together with the reason on why they have been excluded:

Rule Reason
always_put_control_body_on_new_line Can conflict with the Dart formatter
always_specify_types Incompatible with omit_local_variable_types
annotate_redeclares Experimental
avoid_annotating_with_dynamic Not specified
avoid_catches_without_on_clauses Has unresolved false positives
avoid_classes_with_only_static_members Not specified
avoid_futureor_void Not specified
avoid_implementing_value_types Not specified
avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators Has been deprecated and will be removed
avoid_types_on_closure_parameters Not specified
close_sinks Has unresolved false positives
deprecated_member_use_from_same_package Not specified
diagnostic_describe_all_properties Not specified
discarded_futures Has unresolved false positives
do_not_use_environment Not specified
document_ignores Not specified
invalid_runtime_check_with_js_interop_types Pending recommendation
library_names Superseded by unnecessary_library_name
matching_super_parameters Not specified
no_literal_bool_comparisons Not specified
omit_obvious_local_variable_types Not specified
package_api_docs Has been deprecated and will be removed
package_prefixed_library_names Broken; superseded by unnecessary_library_name
prefer_double_quotes Incompatible with prefer_single_quotes
prefer_expression_function_bodies Not specified
prefer_final_parameters Incompatible with avoid_final_parameters
prefer_foreach Not specified
prefer_mixin Not specified
prefer_relative_imports Incompatible with always_use_package_imports
prefer_void_to_null Has unresolved false positives
specify_nonobvious_local_variable_types Not specified
unintended_html_in_doc_comment Pending recommendation
unnecessary_final Incompatible with prefer_final_locals
unnecessary_null_aware_operator_on_extension_on_nullable Not specified
unreachable_from_main Not specified
use_decorated_box Has unresolved malfunctions
use_truncating_division Not specified



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Lint rules for Dart and Flutter used internally at Very Good Ventures.

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#lints #analyzer #analysis


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MIT (license)


Packages that depend on very_good_analysis