v_chat_sdk 0.0.1
v_chat_sdk: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
official sdk for vchat to impement chat system into new or exist flutter app
vchat_package #
this package which written in pure dart help you to add chat functionality
make sure to star and watch all activity on github to get notify about updates.
to any existing flutter mobile project with any state management and any back-end service.
NOTE this package depend on firebase on notifications only Data saved on your vps server which run node js on it.
this package provide public api such createSingleChat login register etc.
to make it easy to integrate.
HOW this package works.
vchat connected with node js which will be uploaded to your host this will create mongodb to store the chats ont it.
all data saved one your host not firebase.
Full customizable you can change any text or theme this package support dark mode this because it Embedded as files on the project to make it easy to customize
i have create test node js server and uploaded it to test only in this test the notifications doesn't work since it need to add your firebase.
cloud key in the node js but when run your own server it will works.
flutter app requirements:
you need to have login system on your project and support null safety.
backend requirements:
create new vps at digital ocean or any provider and install node js v v14.17.1 and any mongodb v above 3.6.
HOW TO TEST with not backend serve just with (there another example to integrate with laravel api). first we need to add sum configurations for android. 1 - create new flutter project project.
in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml add this permissions.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
and in application
under android:label="app-name" add this
(optional recommended) and under
android:value="2" />
add this for high notifications priority
android:value="high_importance_channel" />
finished with AndroidManifest
open android/build.gradle
update ext.kotlin_version to =>>> '1.4.32'
repositories {
add this
maven {
url 'https://google.bintray.com/exoplayer/'
maven { url 'https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/' }
under dependencies {
update all to
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.1.3'
classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.5'
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
then open android/app/build.gradle
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 18
targetSdkVersion 30
multiDexEnabled true
------------- android configuration finished -----------
add dependency to pubspec.yaml.
http: ^0.13.3
textless: ^6.6.6
get: 4.1.4
get_storage: ^2.0.2
dio: 4.0.0
firebase_core: ^1.3.0
firebase_messaging: ^10.0.2
image_picker: ^0.8.1+4
sqflite: ^2.0.0+3
path_provider: ^2.0.2
socket_io_client: ^1.0.1
intl: ^0.17.0
clipboard: ^0.1.3
file_picker: ^3.0.3
flutter_native_image: ^0.0.6+1
permission_handler: ^8.1.2
flutter_video_info: ^1.2.0
video_thumbnail: ^0.3.3
video_player: ^2.1.10
record: ^3.0.0
stop_watch_timer: ^1.3.1
audioplayers: ^0.19.0
open_file: ^3.2.1
photo_view: ^0.11.1
chewie: ^1.2.2
cached_network_image: ^3.0.0
timeago: ^3.1.0
auto_direction: ^0.0.5
flutter_local_notifications: ^6.0.0
bot_toast: ^4.0.1
readmore: ^2.1.0
google_fonts: ^2.1.0
Use VChatRoomsView widget to view user rooms Use public api
call this with your register system you have to register 2 times one on your system another on my vchat system
if your system not fource the user to add image then pass image parapater null and it will add the defualt user image to it
this api throw exception if data is missing all required except image can be null you have tp pass null if no image and throw if email exist should try and catch
if you aready have account then login you need to login two times in your system and vchat system
this api throw exception if your not exist on db or wrong password
if you want to start chat from any where just call this api
VChatController.instance.createSingleChat(VChatLoginDto()) and pass the user email which is uniqe on your system and vchat system
this api throw exception if you start chat your self you should try and catch
if first time to chat with this user dialog will appear and ask for first message else will open chat page