starknet_flutter 0.1.2 copy "starknet_flutter: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
starknet_flutter: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard

Zero-config wallet components for starknet

starknet_flutter #

A package to ease the use of starknet in your Flutter app.

Dart setup #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

  starknet_flutter: [version]

Then, run flutter pub get.

You need to call init() method of the starknet_flutter plugin before using it.

A good place to do this in your main.dart:

Future<void> main() async {
  await StarknetFlutter.init();
  runApp(const StarknetDemoApp());

Platform setup #

iOS #

You need to add some permissions in the info.plist

  • FaceID (used to store/retrieve sensitive informations like Starknet private key for.)
<string>Use Touch ID or Face ID to process transactions.</string>
  • Camera (used to scan account address QRCode)
<string>This app needs camera access to scan QR codes</string>

MacOS #

Like iOS, you need to add some permissions

  • Keychain Sharing

You need to add the Keychain Sharing capability in the Xcode project following this guide.

NOTE: you only need to add the capability, it's not needed to add any Keychain Groups.

  • Camera

You need to enable Camera permission into App Sandbox following this guide.

Android #

This plugin requires minSdkVersion 23 (Android 6.0) or higher. Edit you android/app/build.gradle:

android {
  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 23

Your MainActivity must extend FlutterFragmentActivity.


package com.example.myapp


class MainActivity : FlutterFragmentActivity() { }

The theme of the main activity must use Theme.AppCompat or there will be crashes on Android < 29. Edit your manifest at android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:

<activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:launchMode="singleTop"

Then, change the theme set in android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml:

<style name="LaunchTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar">
  <!-- Show a splash screen on the activity. Automatically removed when
        Flutter draws its first frame -->
  <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/launch_background</item>

  <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
  <item name="android:windowActionBar">false</item>
  <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>
  <item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>

You might edit the night variant as well at android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml.

Windows #


Linux #


Web #


Usage #

Some platforms and devices might be more secure than others. On iOS & MacOS, this plugin uses the Secure Enclave to protect the private key (if the device do not have a biometric component or not enabled, a password will be asked to encrypt data as a fallback method). On Android, the plugin biometric_storage is used. When biometric authentication is available, it is used to protect the private key. On other platforms and when the above is not available, the private key is encrypted using a password and stored in shared preferences.

For above reasons, either a BiometricStore or a PasswordStore is returned when calling SecureStore.get(). For convenience, the when method is provided to handle both cases:

// store might be either a `BiometricStore` or a `PasswordStore`
final store = await SecureStore.get();

// Use `when` to handle both cases
await store.when(
  biometric: (biometric) async {
    // Use the biometric store
  password: (password) async {
    // Use the password store

Setting up your password #

While BiometricStore uses your already registered biometric authentication, PasswordStore requires you to provide an initial password that will be used to encrypt and decrypt your secrets. You can do it with the following code:

final password = await createPassword(context);
if (password != null) {
  await PasswordStore().initiatePassword(password);
  if (mounted) Navigator.pop(context);

createPassword() is a function that returns a Future<String?> that will be used as the password. In a real app, it could be a dialog that asks the user to create their password.

starknet_flutter includes several methods to enter a password:

  • PasscodeInputView.showPattern() to draw a pattern
  • PasscodeInputView.showPin() to enter a pin
  • PasscodeInputView.showPassword() to type a textual password
  • PasscodeInputView.showCustom() to use anything you want to type your password while reusing the same logic as the other methods. See below examples, and find more in the example project.
Pattern input prompt example Draw a pattern as your password.
final result = await PasscodeInputView.showPattern(
  actionConfig: const PasscodeActionConfig.create(
      createTitle: "Draw your pattern",
      confirmTitle: "Confirm your pattern",
Emoji input prompt example Enter emoji as your password, like "👍🎨🚚👀" for instance.
final password = await PasscodeInputView.showCustom(
  actionConfig: const PasscodeActionConfig.create(
    createTitle: "Type your emoji password",
    confirmTitle: "Confirm your emoji password",
  onWrongRepeatInput: (input) {
      "Wrong input: $input",
      success: false,
  passcodeConfig: const PasscodeConfig(
    backgroundColor: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
    cancelButtonConfig: PasscodeCancelButtonConfig(
      child: Text(
        "❌ Mission aborted",
        style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
  inputBuilder: (
    OnInputValidated onInputValidated,
    bool isConfirming,
  ) {
    return EmojiInput(
      onInputValidated: onInputValidated,
      nextTitle: isConfirming ? "Confirm" : "Next",

Storing the private key #

Use BiomericStore.storePrivateKey or PasswordStore.storePrivateKey to store the private key:

final store = await SecureStore.get();
await store.when(
  biometric: (biometric) => biometric.storePrivateKey(
    id: "uuid1",
    privateKey: _privateKey,
  password: (password) => password.storePrivateKey(
    id: "uuid1",
    password: _password,
    privateKey: _privateKey,

Each private key is identified by an id (a String). When using the PasswordStore, the password is used to encrypt the private key using AES 256 GCM. The password is hashed using SHA 256. The IV for AES is generated randomly, but you can also provide your own if needed. It must be 16 bytes long.

Retrieving the private key #

Similarly, you can retrieve the key using BiomericStore.getPrivateKey or PasswordStore.getPrivateKey:

final store = await SecureStore.get();
await store.when(
  biometric: (biometric) => biometric.getPrivateKey(id: "uuid1"),
  password: (password) => password.getPrivateKey(
    id: "uuid1",
    password: _password,

List exchange rates for a currency #

import 'package:starknet_flutter/starknet_flutter.dart';

void main() async {
  final starknet = await StarknetFlutter.get();
  final exchangeRates = await starknet.getExchangeRates(
    currency: "USD",

Running on Devnet #

Place yourself at the root of the monorepo project. If you are in starknet_flutter, this would be ../... Call this to start the devnet:

poetry install
poetry run devnet start

Declare OpenZeppelin contract

You are ready to create OpenZeppelin contracts, however you may need extra configuration if you want to run the example app.

Run the Flutter example on the devnet #

You need to define a NODE_URI dart environment variable like below:


For example with as your host IP:

flutter run --dart-define=NODE_URI=

On Android Studio, you can add --dart-define=NODE_URI=http://YOUR_HOST_IP:5050/rpc to your run configuration in the "Additional run args" field. On VS Code, you can also edit your launch.json to add --dart-define=NODE_URI=http://YOUR_HOST_IP:5050/rpc to your run configuration:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Example (Testnet)",
      "request": "launch",
      "type": "dart",
      "program": "example/lib/main.dart",
      "name": "Example (Devnet)",
      "request": "launch",
      "type": "dart",
      "program": "example/lib/main.dart",
      "args": [

Send ETH to an address #

If your address is 0x7e678b687c94c9de17caeb4c39b86b2a4cb84312c4f93abbf42fb169377b845 for example, call from the monorepo root:

dart run ./packages/starknet/tool/send_eth.dart 0x7e678b687c94c9de17caeb4c39b86b2a4cb84312c4f93abbf42fb169377b845

Get ETH balance #

To display ETH balance of an account, you just need to call the balance property of a PublicAccount object.


// [...] select a wallet using wallet list for exemple.
final ethBalance = await selectedAccount.balance;
print('$ethBalance ETH'); // 0.045 ETH

Get fiat equivalent to ETH balance #

final ethBalance = await selectedAccount.balance;
final ethExchangeRate = await ExchangeRates.get(from: 'ETH', to: 'USD'); // Change 'USD' to fiat currency you want
final fiatEquivalent = ethBalance * ethExchangeRate;
print('$fiatEquivalent \$'); // 43.34 $

Display formatted balance #

By default ETH balance was not rounded / truncated, if you want to display it properly on the UI, you can use following utils:

First you need to import the plugin.

import 'package:starknet_flutter/starknet_flutter.dart';
  • truncateBalance() this method wil truncate without round the value.


final ethBalance = 0.546365463;
String formatted = ethBalance.truncateBalance(precision: 4);
print(formatted) // 0.5463
  • format() this method will round value to 2 digits.


final ethBalance = 0.546365463;
String formatted = ethBalance.format();
print(formatted) // 0.55

Display minified account address #

An address can be very long and it's pretty ugly.

You can use the following snippet to display an address & keep first & last segment visible.

final address = '0x53656356453665465364653664536426748692';
final formatted = address.truncateMiddle(truncateLength: 20);
print(formatted) // 0x53656356...426748692

Show wallets list #

I you want to display the wallets list, you just have to call this code:

  • context is used to display modal bottom sheet over your app.
  • passwordPrompt is a method called when a password unlock is required to unlock sensitive data (you can set the pass code method you want).

Show transaction modal #

You can send ETH to a specific address.

  args: transactionArguments,
  • context is used to display modal bottom sheet over your app.
  • transactionArguments handle the current selected PublicAccount.

Show account address QRCode #

You can display at anytime account QRCode address.

  address: '0x0000',
  • context is used to display modal bottom sheet over your app.
  • address the account address to receive ETH.

Show wallet create/restore modal #

When called, the user can choose to create or restore a wallet.

  passwordPrompt: unlockWithPassword,
  • context is used to display modal bottom sheet over your app.
  • passwordPrompt is a method called when a password unlock is required to unlock sensitive data (you can set the pass code method you want).