smart_arrays_plot_polyline 2.2.1
smart_arrays_plot_polyline: ^2.2.1 copied to clipboard
Plots one-dimensional arrays as polylines (curves) in the browser, along with axes and legend text, with versatile view options.
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:smart_arrays_plot_polyline/smart_arrays_plot_polyline.dart';
import 'package:smart_arrays_sample_data/smart_arrays_sample_data.dart';
/// Demonstrates the usage of the package 'smart_arrays_plot_polyline' by displaying
/// two arrays (containing some periods of sin(x) and a sin(x)/x) as polylines
/// along with coordinate axes, a coordinate grid, a border and a legend.
/// See also: example2.dart
main() {
// compute 2 arrays with a sinc and a sine function, to be displayed later
Float64List sinc = Sinc1D(1000, 100.0, 0.0, 8, 0.0).array;
Float64List sine = Sine1D(2000, 20.0, 0.0, 8, 0.0, 0.0).array;
// get divs from 'example.html' (application and plot containers)
DivElement appDiv = (querySelector("#app_div") as DivElement);
DivElement plotDiv = (querySelector("#plot_div") as DivElement);
// the plot will take all available space of [appDiv] in this example
..width = "${appDiv.clientWidth}px"
..height = "${appDiv.clientHeight}px";
// setup some polyline, axis and legend attributes
List<Map<PyA, String>> plotAttr = [
{PyA.YPOSITION_ZERO: "0.8"}, // rel. y position of the value 0
final String GREEK_PI = '\u03C0';
Map<AxA, String> xaxisAttr = {
AxA.LEGENDTEXT: "Number of periods (2*$GREEK_PI)"
Map<AxA, String> yaxisAttr = {AxA.LEGENDTEXT: "Function value ('intensity')"};
Map<LegA, String> legendAttr = {
LegA.TOP_TITLE: "Example plot using the class 'SimplePlot'",
LegA.SUB_TITLES: json.encode(["100 * sin(x) / x", " 20 * sin(x)"]),
LegA.X: "45",
LegA.Y: "15"
// plot the arrays into [plotDiv]
[sinc, sine], plotDiv, plotAttr, xaxisAttr, yaxisAttr, legendAttr, null);
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