smart_arrays_compress 2.1.0
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Compresses large one- or two-dimensional arrays (vectors, matrices) to a reduced format retaining minimum and maximum values. Can also expand an array by interpolation.
Smart Arrays Compress #
What the package can do for you #
The compression algorithms provided by this package don't have much to do with audio or video compression. Instead, their purpose is to reduce large arrays to a size suitable for fast interactive viewing on a screen by retaining significant aspects of the array data. For this purpose an array is fragmented into intervals (1D) or submatrices (2D). The minimum and maximum values in these regions constitue the compressed array. You would apply the algorithms to arrays with thousands, ten thousands or even millions of elements. The reduced size should, for example, be chosen to match display resolution if compression is applied for data viewing.
The package also provides a class that expands an array to a larger size by inserting extra points whose values are computed from their neighbours by linear interpolation of the array data.
The major API functionalities #
- class
This example will compress the large specified 1D array to a size of 200 points:
CompressedArray1D c1d = CompressedArray1D.compress(array, 0, array.length - 1, false, 200);
The result is available in c1d.cArray
- class
This example will compress the large specified 2D array to a size of 200 x 500 points:
CompressedArray2D c2d = CompressedArray2D();
c2d.compress(matrix, 0, matrix.length - 1, 0, matrix[0].length - 1, 200, 500, true);
The result is available in c2d.cvalsPos
- class
List<double> list = [1.0,5.0,3.0,-10.0, -20.0,6.0,4.0,0.0];
Float64List list64 = new Float64List.fromList(list);
Float64List result = ArrayInterpolator.interpolateArray(list64, 4);
Expands an array to a larger size.
Related packages #
: Basic functions for 1D and 2D arrays
: Numerics with 1D and 2D arrays
: Compress 1D and 2D arrays to a smaller size.
: Computes 1D and 2D arrays containing sample data.
: Store 1D and 2D arrays along with metadata on the local device.
: Detect peaks in 1D and 2D arrays.
: Plot 1D arrays as polyline along with axes and more.
: Compute Lorentz-Gauss (pseudo-Voigt) line shapes.
: Fourier transform and more of arrays.