slidy 4.0.4 copy "slidy: ^4.0.4" to clipboard
slidy: ^4.0.4 copied to clipboard

CLI package manager, template for Flutter and Pipeline (scripts). Generate Modules, Pages, Widgets, BLoCs, MobX, Triple and more.

4.0.3 #

  • Fix slidy start

4.0.1 #

  • Added Pipeline.
  • Fix generator.

3.2.2 #

  • Instalation in choco, homebrew and github release

3.2.1+1 #

  • Execute commands faster 🔥

3.2.0+1 #

  • slidy run improve statement error
  • New Interactive slidy run. Type only slidy run to view all avaliable scripts commands in your pubspec

3.1.0 #

  • Generate Module -c IS BACK!
slidy g m modules/profile -c
//generate Module, Controller and Page
  • New YAML Reader.
  • New FLAG to Page --routing
slidy g page path/home --routing /home
//Add a new ChildRoute in parent Module
  • Slidy run works again.
  • Many errors were happening because the old YAML Reader system went down. We replaced that and Slidy is back.

3.0.2 #

  • Fix slidy run
  • Fix slidy install
  • Fix template error
  • Fix uninstall
  • Fix unknown command

3.0.0 #

  • complete rework!
  • Added Clean Arch templates (usecase and datasource).

2.1.2+2 #

  • Algumas correções no import por referencia no module #170
  • Correções no Start e Scripts adds #168
  • fix: path to add script on pubspec.yaml #172
  • fix console message when creating a TestFile #173
  • Correção de bug ao realizar slidy start para gerar gitignore e scripts #176

2.1.1 #

  • Add annotation @JsonSerializable to when create a model #144
  • Added "slidy localization" command #146
  • New Flag -i to generate interface #146
slidy g repository /modules/home/repositories/post -t

New Features in Module:

-r => generate with Repository
-i => generate with Repository and Interface to repository
Slidy g m modules/MyModule -c -r -i
  • Fix imports #154

  • Fix order of commands in documentation #159

  • Some fixes for effective dart pattern #160

  • Fix bugs

2.0.1+1 #

  • PREVIEW: Added Localization (i18n) generate
  • Added jsonSerializable in Model generate
  • Fix bugs

2.0.0+1 #

WE GET SLIDY VERSION 2 Thanks to everyone in the community

  • Added "Revert" command
slidy revert

Reverse the last generation command.

1.5.3 #

  • Fixed error in generated page in RXDart project

1.5.2 #

  • Generate Store Command
    slidy generate store /path/store 
  • Slidy create -m (state_managent) -p
  • Internal Core Modification
  • Now using ModularState in Generate Pages;

1.4.12 #

  • Create module withless named route system --noroute:
    slidy generate module /path/module --noroute [-n]
  • Added flag -p (provider system), -s (state management), -f (force) to start command (by lukelima);
 slidy start -p flutter_modular -s mobx -f 

1.4.7 #

  • Create reactive model template with --rx:
    slidy generate model /path/model_name --rx
  • flutter_modular as default provider;
  • Fix model template;

1.4.2+1 #

  • Fix test file generate error.

1.4.1 #

  • Slidy CLI Interative
  • Fix slidy create erro

1.2.2 #

  • Added command generate model

1.2.1 #

  • Fix error install in flutter dart.
  • removed dart:mirrors.

1.2.0+1 #

  • Added flutter_bloc and mobx support.
 slidy start --flutter_bloc [-f]
 slidy start --mobx [-m]

If you have the flutter_bloc or flutter_mobx package in pubspec, the generation of pages, widgets, and bloc defaults to the installed manager default.

  • Added flags "--flutter_bloc | -f" and "--mobx | -m" to generate bloc.
  • Added command "generate controller" (to mobx).

1.1.4 #

  • Added initModule in tests (check the documentation)

1.1.3 #

  • Create unity test widget when generate pages or widgets.
  • Flutter Dart 100% compatible
     flutter pub global activate slidy

1.1.2 #

  • Added "service" command to generate auto disposed and injetable service.
     slidy generate service path-of-your-file

1.1.0 #

  • Now creating BLoCs or Repositories also creates Unitary Test files.
  • Added "test" command to "generate command".
     slidy generate test path-of-your-file

1.0.0 #

  • added command run, for exec your scripts in pubspec.yaml
  • Some commands have been improved for ease of usability for example the module, page and widget generation command have been shortened.
  • Fix errors

0.2.1 #

  • Removed folder App for main module.
  • File placement changes after "start -c" command.
  • The command "start -c" is being optimized to be the initial interface. We are working on the routes.

0.2.0 #

  • Added start -c, to start the project with routers, locations, and page structures

0.1.2 #

  • Added bloc command create;

0.1.1 #

  • Added param 'create';

0.0.1 #

  • Initial version, created by Stagehand



Weekly Downloads

CLI package manager, template for Flutter and Pipeline (scripts). Generate Modules, Pages, Widgets, BLoCs, MobX, Triple and more.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


ansicolor, args, collection, dart_console, fhir_yaml, file, fpdart, http, io, meta, modular_core, path, pub_api_client, recase, rxdart, source_span, yaml


Packages that depend on slidy