slidy 4.0.4 copy "slidy: ^4.0.4" to clipboard
slidy: ^4.0.4 copied to clipboard

CLI package manager, template for Flutter and Pipeline (scripts). Generate Modules, Pages, Widgets, BLoCs, MobX, Triple and more.

Slidy #

CLI script pipeline, package manager and template generator for Flutter. Generate Modules, Pages, Widgets, BLoCs, Controllers, tests and more.

Installation #

You can get Slidy of many ways.

choco (only windows) #

choco install slidy

Homebrew (macos and linux) #

brew tap Flutterando/slidy
brew install slidy

Other OS #

All binary releases, click here.

Flutter/Dart directly #

 dart pub global activate slidy

Hello world! #

After install, exec the slidy version command. If the command was completed, the slidy was installed.

 slidy --version

Slidy pipeline #

Organize scripts to be executed by automating processes. All steps can be configured in a file called slidy.yaml.

slidy run cleanup


slidy: '1'
  customMessage: "Complete"    # Gets  ${Local.var.customMessage}

  # Simple command (slidy run doctor)
  doctor: flutter doctor

  # Descritive command (slidy run clean)
    name: "Clean"
    description: 'minha descricao'
    run: flutter clean

  # Steped command (slidy run cleanup)   
    description: "cleanup project"
      - name: "Clean"
        run: flutter clean
      - name: "GetPackages"
        description: "Get packages"
        run: flutter pub get

      - name: "PodClean"
        description: "Execute pod clean"
        shell: bash   # default: command. options (command|bash|sh|zsh|pwsh)
        condition: "${System.operatingSystem} == macos"
        working-directory: ios
        run: |-
          rm Podfile.lock
          pod deintegrate
          pod update
          pod install

      - run: echo ${Local.var.customMessage} 

Propeties #

Propetie Type Doc
slidy string Slidy pipeline version
variables object Local variables. ex:
scripts object Add runnable scripts by name

Script Propetie #

Add custom scripts.
The property name can be invoked using the slidy run command.

Simple example:

  runner: flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Execute this script using ``slidy run runner`

Complete example:

    name: "Runner"
    description: "Execute build_runner"
    run: flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Propetie Type Doc
run string script to run
name string Script name
description string Script description
shell string options:
- command(default)
- bash
- sh
- zsh
- pwsh)
working-directory string Run folder
environment object Add environment variable.
steps array(Step) Run multiple scripts in sequence..

NOTE: The STEPS or RUN property must be used. It is not allowed to use both at the same time.

Stepped example:

    description: "cleanup project"
      - name: "Clean"
        run: flutter clean
      - name: "GetPackages"
        description: "Get packages"
        run: flutter pub get

      - name: "PodClean"
        description: "Execute pod clean"
        shell: bash 
        condition: "${System.operatingSystem} == macos"
        working-directory: ios
        run: |-
          rm Podfile.lock
          pod deintegrate
          pod update
          pod install

      - run: echo ${Local.var.customMessage} 
Step Propetie Type Doc
run string script to run
name string Script name
description string Script description
shell string options:
- command(default)
- bash
- sh
- zsh
- pwsh)
working-directory string Run folder
environment object Add environment variable.
condition boolean If true, execute this script.

NOTE: The main file is called slidy.yaml, but if you want to call other files, use the --schema flag of the run command.
slidy run command --schema other.yaml

Package manager #

Install, Uninstall and find package by command line.

# install package
slidy install bloc

# install package with version
slidy install flutter_modular@4.0.1

# install package in dev_dependencies
slidy install mocktail --dev

# find package by query
slidy find "Shared preferences"

# show package versions
slidy versions dio

Template generator #

Slidy's goal is to help you structure your project in a standardized way. Organizing your app in Modules formed by pages, repositories, widgets, BloCs, and also create unit tests automatically. The Module gives you a easier way to inject dependencies and blocs, including automatic dispose. Also helps you installing the dependencies and packages, updating and removing them. The best is that you can do all of this running a single command.

We realized that the project pattern absence is affecting the productivity of most developers, so we're proposing a development pattern along with a tool that imitates NPM (NodeJS) functionality as well as template generation capabilities (similar to Scaffold).

About the Proposed Pattern #

The structure that slidy offers you, it's similar to MVC, where a page keeps it's own business logic classes(BloC).

We recommend you to use flutter_modular when structuring with slidy. It offers you the module structure(extending the WidgetModule) and dependency/bloc injection, or you will probably get an error.

To understand flutter_modular, take a look at the README.

We also use the Repository Pattern, so the folder structure it's organized in local modules and a global module. The dependencies(repositories, BloCs, models, etc) can be accessed throughout the application.

Sample folder structure generated by slidy:

Commands #

start: Create a basic structure for your project (confirm that you have no data in the "lib" folder).

slidy start

Generate #

Create a module, page, widget or repository according to the option.
Slidy generator supports mobx, bloc, cubit, rx_notifier and triple.


Creates a new module with slidy generate module:

slidy generate module manager/product

Creates a new page with slidy generate page:

slidy generate page manager/product/pages/add_product

Creates a new widget with slidy generate widget:

slidy generate widget manager/product/widgets/product_detail

Create a new repository with slidy generate repository

slidy g r manager/product/repositories/product

Create a new rx notifier with slidy generate rx

slidy g rx manager/product/page/my_rx_notifier

Create a new triple with slidy generate t

slidy g t manager/product/page/my_triple

Create a new cubit with slidy generate c

slidy g c manager/product/page/my_cubit

Create a new mobx with slidy generate mbx

slidy g mbx manager/product/page/my_store

For more details Telegram Group Flutterando

pub points



CLI package manager, template for Flutter and Pipeline (scripts). Generate Modules, Pages, Widgets, BLoCs, MobX, Triple and more.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


ansicolor, args, collection, dart_console, fhir_yaml, file, fpdart, http, io, meta, modular_core, path, pub_api_client, recase, rxdart, source_span, yaml


Packages that depend on slidy